Naming Memes

Posts tagged with Naming

Name Hijacking

Name Hijacking
Ah, the eternal naming struggle! Developers spend hours crafting beautiful, SEO-friendly project names only to throw it all away for CoffeeTable , Banana , or Mongoose . We'll meticulously plan architecture diagrams but then name our main function doStuff() . The marketing team weeps while we gleefully commit our fifth project named after kitchen appliances. And don't get me started on package names - nothing says "professional software" like depending on left-pad and is-even .

Programmers Are Great At Naming Things Unintuitively

Programmers Are Great At Naming Things Unintuitively
The irony of programming language names is just *chef's kiss*. Python isn't named after an actual snake but a comedy group (Monty Python). Rust isn't named after iron oxide but the fungus. Java isn't named after an island but coffee. And JavaScript? That was just marketing trying to piggyback on Java's popularity despite having about as much in common as a submarine and a sandwich. Naming things is supposedly one of the two hardest problems in computer science, and somehow we've managed to make it even more confusing. Next time someone asks me to name a new microservice, I'm calling it "FileProcessor" just to watch everyone's heads explode from the shocking clarity.

Yo Dawg, I Heard You Like Filters

Yo Dawg, I Heard You Like Filters
I see we've discovered the elusive "filterception" in the wild. Some brilliant mind decided to filter the filters with a filter that filters filters. And they even helpfully commented "// filter" at the end – you know, in case the five other instances of "filter" weren't clear enough. This is the coding equivalent of saying "Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo" and expecting it to make sense. Somewhere, a code reviewer is staring at their screen, questioning their career choices.

Camel Case My Beloved

Camel Case My Beloved
THE HORROR! THE ABSOLUTE TRAGEDY! Someone's marketing team just discovered why camelCase and proper spacing are the HOLY GRAIL of programming! The hashtag #SUSANALBUMPARTY was supposed to celebrate Susan Boyle's album release, but instead created the most catastrophic parsing error in social media history! This is what happens when you skip the code review, people! The difference between SusanAlbumParty and SusAnalBumParty is literally just proper capitalization standing between a music celebration and... something ENTIRELY different. Spaces and camelCase would have saved lives here, but nooo, hashtags don't allow spaces and someone skipped Naming Conventions 101. This is why developers drink.