Localization Memes

Posts tagged with Localization

The Date Format Holy War

The Date Format Holy War
The eternal date format war rages on! While most of the world sensibly uses the pyramid of DD/MM/YY (small to big), and some Asian countries flip it upside-down (YY/MM/DD), the USA just... does whatever the hell it wants with MM/DD/YY. It's like they designed their date format the same way they designed their healthcare system โ€“ maximum confusion for everyone involved. The beautiful irony is that only the YY/MM/DD format is actually ISO-8601 compliant and makes perfect sense for sorting. Meanwhile, programmers everywhere silently weep when handling date inputs from international users. Nothing says "fun weekend project" like writing regex to figure out if 03/04/05 means March 4th, 2005 or April 3rd, 2005 or... wait... 1905?

Encoding Not Supported

Encoding Not Supported
THE ABSOLUTE TRAGEDY OF CHARACTER ENCODING! Someone tried to get "Happy Birthday" in Urdu on their cake, but the bakery's system had a COMPLETE MELTDOWN and just spewed question marks everywhere! This is the digital equivalent of asking your crush out and having them respond with "Error 404: Interest Not Found." Unicode support? Never heard of her! This cake is basically screaming "I TRIED TO BE MULTICULTURAL AND ALL I GOT WAS THIS LOUSY STRING OF QUESTION MARKS." It's the perfect representation of every developer's nightmare when they forget to handle non-Latin characters and their app just FALLS APART in production!