MacOS Memes

macOS: where everything "just works" until it suddenly doesn't and nobody can tell you why. These memes celebrate Apple's desktop operating system that somehow makes both design professionals and terminal hackers feel equally at home. If you've ever paid the Apple tax for that sweet Unix-based reliability, explained to Windows users why your laptop costs more than their entire setup, or felt the special dread of a new OS update breaking your carefully crafted development environment, you'll find your Cupertino comrades here. From the elegant simplicity of Spotlight to the occasional frustration of permissions that even sudo can't override, this collection honors the operating system that makes computing beautiful while occasionally making simple tasks inexplicably difficult.

A Meme Istoleon Fb

aMemeIStoleonFB | linux-memes, ux-memes, macos-memes, mac-memes |
Content I'M THE DUMBEST MAN ALIVE MacOS is also based on Linux YOU'RE CLEARLY DUMBER made with mematic SRGRAFO

No One Asked For This

noOneAskedForThis | programmer-memes, linux-memes, ux-memes, android-memes, program-memes, windows-memes, macos-memes, mac-memes |
Content Your Grandma Her Cat Switch Users Windows Users rProgrammerHumor Android Users HATRED FOR Linux Users MacOs Users That Don't Even Have Access OneDrive

Yes im a high level programmer

Yes im a high level programmer | programming-memes, programmer-memes, linux-memes, web-memes, website-memes, ux-memes, program-memes, loc-memes, lock-memes, ios-memes, windows-memes, macos-memes, jpa-memes, microsoft-memes, mac-memes, language-memes, programming language-memes |
Content SCRATOR SCRATCH RAT More Scratch High-level programming language Scratch is a high-level block-based visual programming language and website aimed primari at children as an educational tool for programming, with a target audience of ages 8 to 16. Users on the site, called Scratchers, can create projects on the website using a block-like interface. Wikipedia Influenced: Scratchar OS: Microsoft Windows, macos, Linux (via renderer AIMS jos ipados sod Android

Well done.

Well done. | apple-memes, macos-memes, mac-memes, kde-memes |
Content KDE Community kdecommunity 20h WELCOME TO THE CUR suB Apple Hub theapplehub 1d You can now add widgets to your desktop in macOS Sonoma WWDC23 36 17, 427 3.007 da 241K 1


Management. | developer-memes, linux-memes, ux-memes, management-memes, bugs-memes, testing-memes, test-memes, bug-memes, machine-memes, devs-memes, windows-memes, macos-memes, function-memes, internet-memes, IT-memes, ide-memes, mac-memes, bot-memes |
Content When the management makes a move without devs approval and proper testing. o redolit Use App Switching to Linux caused our apps to malfunction Hello everybody! Recently, our management decided that switching to the Linux OS would be better. Before that, everyone could work on what they preferred, either macOS or Windows. But, we'd heard a lot of positive feedback about Linux when it comes to managing work processes. That app was developed years ago and ran like a well-oiled machine. The developer gave us the EXE format file. It perfectly runs on Windows, while macOS users could run it through the WineBottler app. We'd never had any bugs with it until we switched to Linux. As far as I know, Linux has no issues reading and running the EXE format files. Sometimes the apps simply can't connect to the internet to get the info from the seaports. Moreover, it stopped recognizing some seaports even though they are still operating. It's become impossible to work in those conditions.

Modern Hiring Practices for Developers | A Tale of Two Candidates

Modern Hiring Practices for Developers | A Tale of Two Candidates | coding-memes, developer-memes, php-memes, python-memes, linux-memes, web-memes, design-memes, ux-memes, android-memes, unix-memes, server-memes, c++-memes, jquery-memes, mysql-memes, react-memes, sql-memes,, .net-memes, sql server-memes, swift-memes, django-memes, angular-memes, spring-memes, laravel-memes, windows-memes, mongodb-memes, bash-memes, macos-memes, scala-memes, matlab-memes, api-memes, apache-memes, sqlite-memes, linq-memes, express-memes, symfony-memes, date-memes, kotlin-memes, oop-memes, spring mvc-memes, ubuntu-memes, delphi-memes, flask-memes, mongo-memes, postgres-memes, IT-memes, vue-memes, meteor-memes, query-memes, ide-memes, mac-memes, bot-memes, zend-memes, framework-memes, feature-memes, rust-memes |
Content It savs here that vou have 18 vears of exerience and have fantastic references, and that you have designed and develobed four rulv reatured broiects that were successfully deployed and generated tens of millions of dollars, you have lead multiple teams, and that you have extensive experience in everything we are looking for - except I don't see React.js here. Have you ever used React? Only for personal projects. It's really just a simple Ul tramework and I am very familiar with it thoug Go fuck yourself! You don't have any professional experience, but it looks like you went to a 3-month coding boot camp. Did they cover React.js? You're hired! Oh veah. I've heard that word before! After that boot camp now I can say I'm an expert in React, C, C, Delphi, Diango, Rust, MongoDB, MS SQL Server, Flask,, Vue.js, Laravel, Angular, Web2Py, FastAPI, Meteor, Bottle, JQuery, Angular, Symfony, Svelte,, ASP.NET, Apache, Sails, spring MVC, Zend, YI, Cake, Moo, Python, Kotlin, R. PHP, Go, Swift, VB, MATLAB, Scheme, Racket, Cloiure, Lisp, COBOL, Alice, AWK, Bash, Clean, Cecil, CoffeeScript, Cybil, Kodu, Ladder, Logtalk, JADE, J, Maude, LINQ, Modula, Octave, Orwell, Nemerie, Zeno, X10, WebASM, Umple, TAL, TCL, Scala, Sed, Strand, SBL, Turing, ROOP, QPL, PROMAL, Orc, Oriel, Nu, NPL, MVstic, Mutan, Mercury, Mesa, MOO, ASM, PostaressOL MySQL, SQLite, InterBase, Advantage, Ingres, Raima, FileMakerPro, Access, H2, Firebird, Windows, Unix, Android, macos, Linux, Centos, Ubuntu, OpenS ProDOS, Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid Donner, Blitzen, and Rudolph. COCKSOFT INC. Cyanide and Happiness

Dopamine Rush

dopamineRush | test-memes, windows-memes, macos-memes, ubuntu-memes, mac-memes, cs-memes |
Content A Summary Jobs test (ubuntu-latest, 3.8) test (ubuntu-latest, 3.9) test (ubuntu-latest, 3.10) test (ubuntu-latest, 3.11) test (windows-latest, 3.8) test (windows-latest, 3.9) test (windows-latest, 3.10) test (windows-latest, 3.11) test (macos-latest, 3.8) test (macos-latest, 3.9) test (macos-latest, 3.10) test (macos-latest, 3.11)

I Use Linux Btw

iUseLinuxBtw | linux-memes, ux-memes, windows-memes, macos-memes, mac-memes |
Content Linux: Makes the OS faster and more configurable MacOS: Makes the OS easier to use and more dependable Windows: 1313 duh 063 ProgrammerHumo

Linux > macOS >>> Windows

Linux > macOS >>> Windows | linux-memes, ux-memes, random-memes, windows-memes, macos-memes, mac-memes |
Content random person peacefully working on windows minding own business linux user telling why he thinks linux good windows bad

Clients should understand this, right?

Clients should understand this, right? | linux-memes, ux-memes, version-memes, macos-memes, cli-memes, IT-memes, mac-memes |
Content AlexFlipnote 12112022 22:28 It does tell you here tbf lmao ASSEts GiveMeBadge1.0.3-linux GiveMeBadge GiveMeBadge1.0.3-win32.exe TS AlexFlipnote It does tell you here tbf lmao No Text To Speech OP 12112022 22:29 I only see 3 versions brooo ASSETS GiveMeBadge 1.0.3- GiveMeBadge 1.0.3- GiveMeBadge 1.0.3-

I Sentence You To Three Years Of Mac Os

iSentenceYouToThreeYearsOfMacOS | macos-memes, mac-memes, semicolon-memes |
Content I'M A SNEAKY FOX SNEAKED IN YOUR HOUSE SAT ON YOUR COUCH ATE YOUR PASTA Deleted a semicolon in line 36548 ProgrammerHumor id


Fixed | development-memes, linux-memes, ux-memes, windows-memes, macos-memes, fix-memes, mac-memes, gaming-memes, operating system-memes |
Content Asymptotic notation for Operating System Best case Worst case Average case Secure case Development Linux Windows Windows Linux Gaming Art and Business Windows MacOs MacOs Linux Windows Windows Linux Linux