jetbrains Memes

Just One More Plugin

Just One More Plugin
The eternal VS Code addict's bargaining phase. "Just one more extension and I'll be productive, I swear!" Meanwhile, IntelliJ users watch from their feature-complete fortress, sipping coffee that cost as much as their IDE subscription. The extension count hits triple digits while startup time approaches geological epochs. We've all been there — convincing ourselves that this color theme or that bracket colorizer is the missing piece to becoming a 10x developer. Spoiler: it never is.

Gentlemen, it is with great pleasure that I inform you that after 3 years in Python I did it... I finally did it

Gentlemen, it is with great pleasure that I inform you that after 3 years in Python I did it... I finally did it | python-memes, test-memes, bug-memes, loc-memes, threading-memes, error-memes, debug-memes, IT-memes, bootstrap-memes, pycharm-memes, ide-memes, tests-memes, debugger-memes, console-memes, jetbrains-memes |
Content Debug: 2 pytest for test scheduler. TestScheduler.test execu... Debugger console AZ IF Terminated testscheduler TestScheduler O test execute jobonce 96 B Tests passed: 0 of 1 test Fatal Python error: Segmentation fault Thread 0x00007d934d96640 (most recent call first): File "", line 324 in wait File "", line 607 in wait File " homeeonraider. localshareJetBrainsToolboxappsPyCharm-Pch-0223.8617. File " homeeonraider. localshareJetBrainsToolboxappsPyCharm-Pch-0223.8617. 219 in run File "usLibpython3.10threading.Dy", line 1016 in bootstrapinner File "", line 973 in bootstrap

Those Text Editors Are So Big

thoseTextEditorsAreSoBig | code-memes, vim-memes, visual studio-memes, jetbrains-memes |

Fuck Jetbrains

fuckJetbrains | jetbrains-memes |
Content me after 5.1 thousand people seem to like jetbrains products ANGRY AS FUK made with mematic

Jetbrains outdid themselves

Jetbrains outdid themselves | jetbrains-memes |

Cock Roach Cobol

cockRoachCobol | developer-memes, ide-memes, rust-memes, jetbrains-memes |
Content JetBrains be like... RR RustRover (ronow A brand new JetBrains IDE for Rust Developers CC COBOLCockatool Deprecated A brand new JetBrains IDE for Legacy Developers

The Truth Hurts

theTruthHurts | jetbrains-memes |
Content Going to uni to learn Going to uni because tuition is cheaper than aietbrains icence

Fork intellij, rename ...

Fork intellij, rename ... | programming-memes, program-memes, fork-memes, IT-memes, intellij-memes, ide-memes, language-memes, programming language-memes, jetbrains-memes |
Content A programming language hasn't arrived until JetBrains makes an IDE for it

Goated Font

goatedFont | jetbrains-memes |
Content "Dad why is my sisters name Rose?" "Because your Mother loves roses" "Thanks Dad" "No Problem JetBrains Mono Medium

Why Jet Brains

whyJetBrains | jetbrains-memes |
Content Literally anything else dear god they are so terrible in every way I would literally prefer using a trackpad to press the button over memorising the keybinds where cirl, shift and alt do unrelated things and the panels are selected with function keys that inexplicablv start from F9 ProdrammerHumor.ic Normal people Default JetBrains Keybinds

Php Devs Just Use Var Dump

phpDevsJustUseVarDump | code-memes, php-memes, bug-memes, devs-memes, debug-memes, debugger-memes, jetbrains-memes |
Content jetbrains.comes-eslpd How do you usually debug your PHP code? 2022 2023 62 63 37 35 1 2 Dumping values Using a debugger Other

Which one(s) are you?

Which one(s) are you? | javascript-memes, software-memes, code-memes, computer-memes, java-memes, python-memes, linux-memes, ux-memes, vim-memes, program-memes, lines of code-memes, machine-memes, version-memes, data-memes, ios-memes, windows-memes, bash-memes, function-memes, class-memes, object-memes, oop-memes, c-memes, monitor-memes, production-memes, IT-memes, rds-memes, ide-memes, mac-memes, macbook-memes, macbook air-memes, variable name-memes, cs-memes, product-memes, rust-memes, jetbrains-memes |
Content Imperative stoneager Uses sed, awk, grep... on a daily TASTES 3 character long variable names "00P is literally Hitler" Never bashes rychon or Javascript. proudly uses them to make elitists Wrote 95 of all programs that power the modern world Doesn't care what OS or editor hee MIs main machine nappens to be a 2013 MacbOOk Air he got as a git Writes his own software runctiona elitist Watches Computerphile, thinks it's accuac programming "Monad g000" "Lazy evaluation good" "Loop bad" "Mutate bad" "Imperative not elegant" writes code on paper to avoid side effects Responsible or 0 lines or code in produccion Uses Emacs with a light theme on an oLd Debian machine Uses software written by imperative stoneager 00P boilerplater -obsessed newager His job consists of writing the same boilerplate code every single day and he LOVES it "Rust will replace C and C" Always includes a safety section in his documentation Watches Bob Martin, thinks the quy is a genius "Here is this awesome PR, bro, it replaces vour unsate code with my slow and verbose but safe code" His variable names consist of at easts whole words "Oh, I need an object for this piece of data, let me make a class No support for macOS, but writes an entire page of documentation on how to hack an installation on windows real ack to anticinate all the Best he's ever accomplished is possible scenarios mav or mav not writing a colored version or cat encounter in the far future" and Ls Responsible for 95 of all lines of . Uses Neovin with Grusboy color code in the world scheme on Arch Linux Uses JetBrains IDES on windows Uses bloated proprietary software Mechanical keyboard, 34-inch monitor no zoom when he screencasts, if you can't see too had