Excuses Memes

Posts tagged with Excuses

The #1 Programmer Excuse For Legitimately Slacking Off

The #1 Programmer Excuse For Legitimately Slacking Off
Ah, the modern developer's version of "my code is compiling." Remember when we had to wait for actual compile times? Now we just blame the AI for our extended coffee breaks. The beauty is that nobody can verify if ChatGPT is actually still working or if you've been scrolling Reddit for the last 45 minutes. And the best part? Management can't argue because they're doing the exact same thing. It's the perfect crime - you're technically "waiting for a tool" while secretly planning your weekend. And if anyone questions the time it takes, just mutter something about "token limits" and "complex prompting strategies."

The Evolution Of Dependency Management Excuses

The Evolution Of Dependency Management Excuses
The evolution of dependency management excuses is just *chef's kiss*. First we pretend it's a calculated technical decision. Then we admit we're just lazy. But that final panel? Pure gold. "LLMs don't understand it yet" is the new "works on my machine." Nothing like blaming AI for your technical debt while your package.json looks like a digital archaeological dig site. Meanwhile, your junior dev is quietly running "npm audit fix" in production.

The #1 DevOps Excuse For Legitimately Slacking Off

The #1 DevOps Excuse For Legitimately Slacking Off
The ultimate DevOps get-out-of-jail-free card! When your manager catches you sword fighting with your coworker instead of deploying that critical patch, just yell "DNS!" and watch them retreat in terror. DNS propagation is the perfect excuse because it's both legitimate and completely unverifiable. "Is he actually waiting or watching YouTube? Who knows! Better not risk questioning the DNS gods." Even the most hardened managers know better than to challenge the mysterious black hole where productivity goes to die.