Customer service Memes

Posts tagged with Customer service

The Clown Makeup Of Hardware Recommendations

The Clown Makeup Of Hardware Recommendations
The slow transformation into a full clown as you try to sell AMD products only for customers to walk out with Intel and Nvidia instead. It's the hardware equivalent of recommending Vim to a new programmer and watching them install Visual Studio Code. The pain is real when you give honest tech advice but customers just follow whatever their favorite YouTuber said last week. That 14700K + 5070Ti combo? Doesn't even exist, but they'll swear their cousin's roommate got one on sale.

Me Everytime Igo To Best Buy

Me Everytime Igo To Best Buy
The eternal struggle of every IT professional at electronics stores. That moment when the Best Buy employee innocently asks "Do you need help?" and your brain immediately switches to superiority mode. You've spent the last decade debugging kernel panics and configuring RAID arrays—of course you know the difference between HDMI 2.0 and 2.1! You didn't spend four years getting a CS degree to be asked if you've tried turning it off and on again. The internal monologue is deafening: "I could probably fix their POS system faster than they could sell me this overpriced HDMI cable." Yet we still go there... every... single... time.

Unplug The Cable

Unplug The Cable
Ah, the ancient IT support psychological warfare technique! Instead of embarrassing users with the classic "is it plugged in?" question (which it never is), this genius IT veteran gives them a dignified escape route. "Unplug the cable, blow on it dramatically like it's a Nintendo cartridge from 1992, and plug it back in." Pure brilliance! The user gets to pretend they're performing critical maintenance rather than admitting they never plugged the damn thing in to begin with. It's the tech support equivalent of letting someone "find" their glasses on top of their own head. Kindness through deception - the cornerstone of all healthy IT-user relationships!