credentials Memes

Would You Hire Him

Would You Hire Him
Nothing triggers impostor syndrome quite like scrolling through GitHub and finding Luigi here with dual CS degrees from an Ivy League school, 3500 followers, and probably a contribution graph that looks like a Manhattan skyline. Meanwhile, you're still struggling to center a div and your most impressive achievement is fixing a bug by restarting your computer. The cherry on top? He's probably 22 and already has FAANG offers while you're surviving on Stack Overflow copypasta and praying nobody reviews your code too carefully. But hey, at least you know how to exit Vim... sometimes.

Copilot Autocompletes An API Key

Copilot Autocompletes An API Key
That moment when GitHub Copilot helpfully suggests your private API key that you accidentally committed to a repo six months ago. Nothing like having your $5000/month AWS bill exposed by an AI that's just trying to be helpful. Security through obscurity fails again.

Biggest Plottwist Ever

Biggest Plottwist Ever
OH. MY. GOD. The absolute TRAGEDY of modern development! ๐Ÿ’ธ There you are, thinking you're so clever hard-coding API keys in your ChatGPT prompts, and BOOM! OpenAI is just SWIMMING in your precious secrets like Scrooge McDuck in his money bin! The sheer AUDACITY! Your API keys - those expensive little strings that unlock digital kingdoms and drain your wallet with every request - now collected and potentially exposed! THIS is why we can't have nice things in tech! Next time maybe try environment variables like a functioning adult? ๐Ÿ™„

From Minutes To Seconds To Disaster

From Minutes To Seconds To Disaster
Left: "It took me a few minutes to make BibleGPT with custom GPT. Now? 5 seconds with Devin." Right: "Who is doubting thomas" โ†’ "Sorry, an error occurred while fetching your answer." Bottom: "It exposed my API key so I had to revoke :(" The AI dev tool pipeline in 2024: Build something in 5 seconds, deploy it in 2 seconds, expose your API keys in 1 second. Progress! This is why we can't have nice things in tech. The faster we build, the faster we leak credentials. The modern developer experience is just speedrunning security vulnerabilities.

Master Password Leaked

Master Password Leaked
Oh no, the classic "junior dev learns about security the hard way" moment! Nothing says "career-limiting move" quite like accidentally pasting database credentials into ChatGPT while asking for MongoDB help. That innocent "hehe" quickly turns to "not hehe" when you realize you've just handed over root access with the world's most predictable password (hunter2) to an AI that remembers everything . Security team's gonna love this one... right after they finish having simultaneous heart attacks.

Credential Cycling Catastrophe

Credential Cycling Catastrophe
Ah, the classic "$10,000/hour AWS bill of doom" scenario! This comic perfectly captures that moment when you realize your AWS keys have been chilling in public longer than that Minecraft world you've been building. ๐Ÿ™ƒ The best part? That well-meaning onboarding where someone tells you to rotate keys every "3-6 months" and you're like "totally, absolutely, 100%" while mentally filing that under "things I'll definitely forget until catastrophe strikes." Cloud security is just like flossing - everyone knows they should do it regularly, but somehow we're all too busy playing Minecraft to remember until our teeth (or AWS account) are on fire. ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ’ธ

Last Day Of Unpaid Internship

Last Day Of Unpaid Internship
Oh, the sweet revenge of the unpaid intern! This meme shows the command git add .env which is basically the digital equivalent of dropping a nuclear bomb in the repo. The .env file contains all those juicy API keys, database passwords, and secret tokens that should NEVER be committed to version control. It's like saying "Thanks for the experience, here's all your security credentials on GitHub for the world to see!" A perfect exit strategy for someone who worked for exposure instead of actual money. Chaotic evil never looked so satisfying.

Why Do My Credentials No Longer Work

whyDoMyCredentialsNoLongerWork | code-memes, credentials-memes |
Content the senior watching me paste entire files of proprietary code into chatgpt (i forgot i was screen-sharing)

Welcome Back

welcomeBack | html-memes, web-memes, website-memes, bug-memes, loc-memes, random-memes, lock-memes, password-memes, ios-memes, fix-memes, IT-memes, rds-memes, idea-memes, ide-memes, ML-memes, credentials-memes, div-memes, comment-memes |
Content Safari tries to fill username 25 Open ) quarterdeck opened this issue yesterday 8 comments quarterdeck commented yesterday What do you want to do? From this website Other Usernames... 1 Course in Up Next quarterdeck commented 6 hours ago edited Author Upon further investigation this seems like an absolutely crazy Safari bug and I'm not sure if it can be worked around or not. I noticed that this was only happening on one page of our app. So I systematically commented out each section of HTML to see if any block was affecting it and I found one! 1 narrowed it down to a single p tag which contained the text "Welcome back,". I thought the comma might be causing an issue (no idea why) so I removed it. No change. I thought the word "back" might be making Safari think this was a login page for some reason? So I removed it and it fixed the issue! Crazy. Out of curiosity I tried removing "Welcome" and adding "back" back in. Still didn't re-occur. ?! So it seems only the combination of words "welcome back" causes this to happen. Absolutely no idea why. To confirm I chose another page randomly and put the phrase "welcome back" in a random position on the page and low and behold it caused this to happen again. For some reason the presence of these words on the page is adding the following to the Shadow DOM of the input field: div pseudo"-webkit-credentials-auto-fill-button" role "button" aria-label"password AutoFill" style-"display: Easily the most bizarre bug I've ever come across. 34 106 39 177

Hex Word Search To Cancel

hexWordSearchToCancel | password-memes, string-memes, search-memes, rds-memes, credentials-memes |
Content We're sorry to see you go! Please enter your credentials. Username Password Finally, please find and highlight the string cancel in the following Hex dump. If you cannot find one, press "Regenerate" 68 6B 68 62 69 65 6D 6B 6C 68 61 63 65 6B 6A 6A 64 61 65 6A 68 61 64 65 63 6C 6A 6A 6E 6E 6E 6C 68 60 6A 6A 64 61 62 6E 6C 68 60 61 6E 69 61 62 60 68 68 64 65 6B 68 63 66 6E 61 63 6E 66 6B 6A 6D 64 6A 64 61 6D 6C 65 69 64 64 66 6B 66 64 68 6B 6A 6B 6B 6D 62 67 68 66 6D 67 6A 61 63 69 6A 6A 6A 6D 6A 60 6D 68 68 62 63 6A 6A 68 6E 6B 6C 67 62 64 66 69 63 68 69 69 6D 68 61 67 6C 63 6B 6B 66 64 6A 61 65 62 60 6E 69 63 60 6D 6A 6A 6D 63 65 65 63 64 64 63 62 60 64 60 63 64 65 68 69 62 67 68 60 69 64 6C 66 6E 6B 66 62 67 63 62 60 68 6B 6B 6C 6E 67 61 62 62 6D 62 67 67 6C 65 64 60 67 66 66 68 6D 63 60 69 64 67 61 63 65 65 6E 64 68 60 64 6C 69 66 61 6E 6A 69 6E 6C 61 67 64 69 64 65 64 63 61 60 6D 6B 68 6B 64 6E 60 6A 67 67 6A 66 6B 62 62 6D 6A 66 60 6C 67 61 68 60 64 Regenerate (5:00 cooldown) Confirm cancellation

The new type of SQL injection

The new type of SQL injection | web-memes, password-memes, sql-memes, csv-memes, IT-memes, credentials-memes, twitter-memes, cs-memes |
Content vx-underground vxunderground Insert commas into your password so when your credentials are dumped into a CSV it breaks it 10:28 am 06 Oct 22 Twitter Web App

As someone who has done something similar in the past, I don't feel bad about laughing. ๐Ÿคฃ (Also this guy got the advice he needed.)

As someone who has done something similar in the past, I don't feel bad about laughing. ๐Ÿคฃ (Also this guy got the advice he needed.) | server-memes, testing-memes, test-memes, loc-memes, terminal-memes, git-memes, github-memes, data-memes, api-memes, ubuntu-memes, ide-memes, credentials-memes |
Content rgithub Accidentally uploaded file with sensitive data to GitHUb can anyone give me the step by step instructions I should follow if I have accidentally pushed an env.testing file to my Github repo which has all my API credentials - to remove all evidence of this file from Github for anyone that may view the repo (please note I pushed fro DO Ubuntu server and I have no local) - and also what steps I should take from terminal in the remote directory from which this was pushed. Basically I just want all evidence of this file GONE. 13 7 - Share