Good question.

Good question. | developer-memes, software-memes, code-memes, computer-memes, software developer-memes, web-memes, website-memes, catch-memes, virus-memes, git-memes, github-memes, version-memes, version control-memes, class-memes, search-memes, internet-memes, IT-memes, cs-memes, private-memes |
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20. Okt. . . www-gutefrage-net.translate.googfrageist-github-eine-prnoseite I site? (computer, internet, website) efrage Search for questions, topics and users.. Ask a Question Last activity: 1 month ago View Details Is github a porn site? A classmate sent me a link to github. Supposedly it should be the solution for a housework. I know there is a porn site with a very similar name, so I'm afraid to open the link. I find porn disgusting and don't want to see it. Also, I don't want to catch viruses. I am very careful with links from classmates to websites that I do not know. Because all the guys in my class watch porn and keep sending out these disgusting memes with porn pics (but luckily there are no privates). If anyone knows the website github and can tell me if this is a porn site or not, I would be very grateful. I really need this solution urgently. 11 answers Sorted by: Most relevant answers first Marked as helpful by the asker MrManu97 7 months ago Github is a website of software developers where code or documents can be placed. Github is used for so-called "version control". By comparing the current status with the previous status of a code or a document, differences are found and the previous status, usually the one that is online, is adopted.