Time is a flat circle.

Time is a flat circle. | css-memes, google-memes, bug-memes, json-memes, perl-memes, fix-memes, google search-memes, search-memes, IT-memes, atom-memes, ide-memes, mac-memes, cs-memes, comment-memes | ProgrammerHumor.io
css-memes, google-memes, bug-memes, json-memes, perl-memes, fix-memes, google search-memes, search-memes, IT-memes, atom-memes, ide-memes, mac-memes, cs-memes, comment-memes | ProgrammerHumor.io


JohnONolan commented on Aug 19, 2016 9 Dunicate of 336 Fixed when caniuse.enabled: false is also set. Still think this a valid bug, though. 5 2 JonnoNolan commented an hour ago edited y Oh god I'm back 2 years later from a Google search which ended in rediscovering this issue which aoparentv wrote mysel Lord have mercy on my soul. lonnoNolan commented an hour asc Dear future John, what is the year 2020 like? Do they have chairs? I'm writing you this message from the year 2018, and properly documenting the fix for this, which I wish I had written down way back in 2016. You probably got a new Mac recently. You probably installed emmet, went to write some CSS, and found emmet scevang nonsensica browser vendor cretixes evervwhere. You probably thovant to yourself "fuck, not this again and spent the last 30 mins furiously googling how to unset this ridiculous oreterence. Acain. Well tuture Jonn. it is. past Jonn. who shall be vour saviour. Here's what to do Open Acom orererences Packages emmet Change the Extensions Path to your project dir, like Sitesemmet inside Sites emret create a new preferences.1son Inside that tile olace the rollowing "ess auto inser VendorPrefixes": rasse, canise. enabled a false Save, and restart Atom Leave a comment on this issue to iterate the number of times this has fucked you over by: 1 Past gonn (a) 10

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