252 indentation, paragraph, see paragraph index, 30, 74-76, 150-154, 211-212 index, 74, 212 curly brace in argument, 75 idx file entry written by, 208 in command argument, 153 space around, 169 special character in argument, 75 too many on page, 143 indexentry, 75, 212 on idx file, 208 indexspace, 75 indicator, error, 29, 134 inf (inf), 44 subscript of. 190 infinite loop, 252 infinitely stretchable length, 100, 102, 215 information, moving, 65-77, 207-209 infty (00), 43 ink, rectangular blob of, 106 inproceedings bibliography entry type, 161 input character, 32 file, 12 interrow space in array or tabul 169, 207 in egnarray envir in shortstack, 1' interword space, 14, before or after hs in math mode, 51 produced by invisil too much with si without line break. intextsep, 200 intraword dash, 14, 1 invalid character errot invisible character, 12, 32 command, 169 delimiter, 47 environment, 169 term made with ab text, 82, 97 iota (1), 41 isodd, 196 italic type shape, 16, 3; in math mode, 51, 15 used for emphasis, 17 item, 24-25, 34, 184