command Memes

The Cross Of My Past Mistakes

theCrossOfMyPastMistakes | java-memes, c++-memes, command-memes, reddit-memes, comment-memes |
Content Javaenjoyer07 2d How dare you! 4 Reply 18 3 dragoncommandsLife 2d java enjoyer has C flair yet no java huhh??? 4 14 3 helicophell 2d Top Commenter You cannot rename reddit accounts. He bears the cross of his past mistakes 16 3 Javaenjoyer07 2d 4 11 3

I Just Need The Model

iJustNeedTheModel | code-memes, command-memes, command line-memes, public-memes, dependencies-memes |
[text] our code and weights are publicly available at ... repository with 10 subfolders 200 files 500 dependencies instructions only for command line usage

Another One Escaped The Matrix

anotherOneEscapedTheMatrix | developer-memes, python-memes, linux-memes, ux-memes, loc-memes, lock-memes, command-memes, git-memes, github-memes, bash-memes, http-memes, ssl-memes |
[text] He escaped Neofetch developer archives all his repositories Have taken up farming dylan dylanaraps Follow self taught creator of kisslinux A 4.4k followers 0 following Organizations L Block or Report 0 overview Repositories 71 Projects Packac dylanaraps README . md Have taken up farming. Pinned B neofetch Wl A commandline system information tool written in bash 3.2 shel Yr214k 17k pywal Generate and change colorschemes on the fly Python Y82k 309 pretch A Apretty system information tool written in POSIX sh. shel Yr2k 159 17 contributions in the last year

Git Discussion Bingo

gitDiscussionBingo | linux-memes, design-memes, ux-memes, command-memes, git-memes, github-memes, version-memes, cli-memes, IT-memes, idea-memes, ide-memes, kernel-memes, graph-memes |
Content JULIA EVANS bork git discussion bingo WTF is detached HEAD state I hate git git's design is SO elegant I've used git for 10 years and I have no idea how it works commits are immutable snapshots just use magit git is a directed acyclic graph you have to understand the linux kernel dev workflow mercurial is better git is not github subversion was So much worse I only know 5 commands a branch is the CLI just a is badly pointer to designed a commit you should just read Pro Git rewriting history is bad just spend 15 minutes learning git's internals something merge rebase about sucks, only sucks, only "porcelain" use rebase use merge I just do not care how git works content addressed storage subversion was better something about Linus Torvalds I just delete my git repo if I mess it up

How Do Iclose This

howDoICloseThis | loc-memes, command-memes |
Content Pages de Moreno rentree. Loccas vous faire dco toutes le nov de la si i veulez noiquer le nombre de cartor ou. je commande LI carton(s) Chassa 1. Ou je commande I carton(s) Ras de l ou, je commande caiton(s) Assemblage carton(s) Dgustation a r : Bettems Frres S.A la Crausaz 3 1173 Fchy MESA 5,0FF OFFER Vin " 20 - NOw 15 with POWER OF LEMONS

Sudo Go Brrr

sudoGoBrrr | programmer-memes, program-memes, command-memes, sudo-memes |
Content Checking your privilege before issuing commands: Authority figures Programmers

Windooz Hate

windoozHate | linux-memes, ux-memes, machine-memes, terminal-memes, command-memes, git-memes, version-memes, windows-memes, sudo-memes, IT-memes, mac-memes |
Content FRIEND: JUST BIFM! TEM: Step 1: Make sure you have Git installed on you machine. If you are on a Mac, fire up the terminal and enter the following command: S git --version This will prompt open an installer if you don't already have git. So set it up using the installer. If you have git already, it'll just show you which version of git you have installed. If you are running Linux(deb), enter the following in the terminal: S sudo apt install git-all If you are on Windows: s get a mac

Stupid Fucking Smelly Nerds

stupidFuckingSmellyNerds | try-memes, terminal-memes, command-memes, rds-memes |
Content trying to paste some commands in terminal STUPID FUCKING SMELLY NERDS

Goto Command

gotoCommand | command-memes |
Content Junior: what's wrong with goto command? goto command:

Include Avformat Dot H

includeAvformatDotH | code-memes, command-memes, command line-memes, api-memes, fix-memes, c-memes, overflow-memes, ide-memes, vm-memes |
Content using ffmpeg through command line using ffmpeg through C api case AVMEDIATYPEVIDEO: c-codec id (bit rate" Resolution c-width c-height (AVRational) (in seconds) in t For fixed-fps content, mp increments should be SEAM FRAME RATE J; PVERVA PEG2VIDEO) GLVIDEO effs overflow. happens here ch the luma plane


Smile | try-memes, terminal-memes, command-memes, manager-memes |

Fuck Js Website In Bash

fuckJsWebsiteInBash | web-memes, website-memes, loc-memes, command-memes, bash-memes, function-memes, cli-memes, graph-memes |
Content if S -ne 2 Is then echo "pfunction needs 2 argumentsD' make tag hi" Hello World" make tag "ho" "smaller -A bun run start command ou pparagraphp buttonclick me buttons QUAU 4 9 0 28 0 2023122.50 alocalhost-50001 Hello World smaller text paragraph click me