4chan on text editors (x-post /r/vim)

4chan on text editors (x-post /r/vim) | vim-memes, try-memes, regex-memes, express-memes, release-memes, cli-memes, IT-memes, rds-memes, mac-memes, bot-memes, cs-memes, regular expression-memes | ProgrammerHumor.io
vim-memes, try-memes, regex-memes, express-memes, release-memes, cli-memes, IT-memes, rds-memes, mac-memes, bot-memes, cs-memes, regular expression-memes | ProgrammerHumor.io


Anonymous 030713(Thu)15:27 No. 32091513 Replies: 232092610 32092927 32091493 Regexing with several editors: acme: Oh, I want to execute a regular expression on my text here. Here I go. I take my mouse hand off my keys. move my mouse hand to my mouse grip the mouse with my mouse hand I move the mouse to the tag strip on top of the editing buffer click the tag strip I release the mouse move my mouse hand to the keys I write the regex I take my mouse hand off the keys I move my mouse hand to my mouse grip the mouse and press da butans drag the mouse over the regex to highlight it I release da butans I watch as my regex hopefully does what it needs to do on the first try. move the mouse to the editing buffer to continue inputting text I release the mouse move my mouse hand to the keys FINALLY start typing again. Emacs: press both foot pedals press meta shift control sysrg play the moonlight sonata on the two extra leopards while requesting Regex-Mode with the headstick hit the electric cymbals strapped under my arm and while putting the shift-stick I have gripped tightly with my sphincter into turbo mode signal my two assistants to turn their keys in unison, NOW! input the regex release all keys and watch as emacs gracefully rearranges the text vIm: escape or equivalent :sfoobarg enter continue editing