Found this Gem on one of my previous post.

Found this Gem on one of my previous post. | programmer-memes, program-memes, bugs-memes, bug-memes, random-memes, debug-memes, fix-memes |
programmer-memes, program-memes, bugs-memes, bug-memes, random-memes, debug-memes, fix-memes |


rProgrammerHumor u4BDUL4Z1Z A .9d 51 Finished a long day, Fixed some bugs in the Bible. Meme The Gospel According John 1466 2 CHAPTER0 Year 1970 only begotten c IN the besinning "was the Word, grace and truth. I and the Word was with God, and 15 John bare he Word was God." (v. 14; 17:5, 241 cried, saving, This 2 The same was in the beginning spake, He that with God. preferred Gen. 1:1 3 "All things were made hi 1 without him was e that was FilsdeJEsUs 2 9d You should repent from your sin and cry out to JESUS that he may save you 5 Reply 4 2 5 ) Somerandomedude1g2w 1 8d I think you mean that you should debug your soul and commit and push changes to the Holy Repo so that your soul will compile and run. 4 1

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