
T-Mobile Austria follows only the best practices

T-Mobile Austria follows only the best practices | password-memes, security-memes, IT-memes, ide-memes |
password-memes, security-memes, IT-memes, ide-memes |


T-Mobile Austria tmobileat W odpowiedzi do cpellegrino PWTooStrong i Telekomhilft Hello Claudia! The customer service agents see the first four characters of your password. We store the whole password, because you need it for the login for mein.t- andrea V Eric Korni22 – 6 kwi Well, what if your infrastructure gets breached and everyone’s password is published in plaintext to the whole wide world? 9 2 1753 1,1 tys. T-Mobile Austria tmobileat 6 kwi Korni22 What if this doesn’t happen because our security is amazingly good? Kthe 326 17 439 ( 529 Service. Kontakt Hilfe – T… Search What if this doesn’t happen because our security is amazingly good?’ Cancel OK