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handyChartForHHTPRequestMethods | server-memes, test-memes, data-memes, date-memes, http-memes, ssl-memes, url-memes, cli-memes, IT-memes, ide-memes, mac-memes, header-memes, tunnel-memes, tcp-memes |
server-memes, test-memes, data-memes, date-memes, http-memes, ssl-memes, url-memes, cli-memes, IT-memes, ide-memes, mac-memes, header-memes, tunnel-memes, tcp-memes |


GET POST PUT DELETE PATCH HEAD OPTIONS TRACE CONNECT HTTP Request Methods trieves data or resource from a specified URL. It is used to retrieve information mactual methods ver. It is used to send data to be essed by the server. It often results in the creation of a new resource on the server. dates the existing resource with the new data. It replaces the entire resource or eates it if it does not exist. letes the specified resource from the server. artially updates the existing resource with the provided data. PATCH request Des not create a new resource if the specified resource does not exist on the rver. trieve onlv the headers of a response. It is used to check the status or headers Of ch or Retrieve the allowed methods and other information of the specified re ource. Th TRACE method echoes back the received request to the client, allowing clients tc inspect the request and see any modifications or additions made by ermediaries. It is mainly used for the diagnostic purposes. nverts the request connection to a transparent TCPIP tunnel, commonly used r establishing secure SSLTLS connections through proxies.