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Does anybody know?

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programming-memes, software-memes, engineer-memes, software engineer-memes, program-memes, assembly-memes, bash-memes, c-memes, IT-memes, sass-memes, language-memes, comment-memes |


14:35 m rlearprogramming rlearnprogramming urartedw 13h What language are missiles programmed in? Just saw top gun and i started wondering what language missiles and all types of air defence programmed in? 1 811 L 261 Share Award O BEST COMMENTS ivanrj7j Now Nah, We all just bash the keyboard and GonzoAndJohn 12h There is a real time operating syst… davidhbolton 12h was a software engineer in U.K. aer… SteveBennett7g 13h Although in a movie it would prob… therealapocalypse 12h Missiles need to be pointed at t. flippzeedoodle 12h Disassembly Language 5 Reply 4 298 Agreeable-Solid7212 11h Works on all architectures! Add a comment