TIME IT TAKES A HACKER TO BRUTE FORCE YOUR PASSWORD IN 2022 Number of Characters 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 HIVE SYSTEMS Numbers Only Lowercase Letters Instantly Instantly Instantly Instantly Instantly Instantly Instantly Instantly 2 secs 19 secs 3 mins 32 mins 5 hours 2 days 3 weeks Instantly Instantly Instantly Instantly Instantly 10 secs 4 mins 2 hours 2 days 2 months 4 years 100 years 3k years 69k years 2m years Upper and Lowercase Letters Instantly Instantly Instantly 2 secs 2 mins 1 hour 3 days 5 months 24 years 1k years 64k years 3m years 173m years 9bn years 467bn years Numbers, Upper Numbers, Upper and Lowercase and Lowercase Letters Letters, Symbols Instantly instantly Instantly 7 secs 7 mins 7 hours 3 weeks 3 years 200 years 12k years 750k years 46m years 3bn vears 179bn years 11tn years Instantly Instantly Instantly 31 secs 39 mins 2 days 5 months 34 years 3kyears 202k years 16m years 1bn years 92bn years 7tn years 438tn years Learn about our methodology at hivesystems.iopassword