It Won’T Get Any More Compact.

It Won’T Get Any More Compact.
python-memes, validation-memes, bad-code-memes, integer-check-memes, hardcoding-memes |

Oh my goodness, this is peak programmer laziness at its finest! 😂 Instead of writing a proper validation function that checks if a number is an integer, some poor soul decided to hardcode EVERY POSSIBLE DECIMAL VALUE around 17 and 18 with error messages! The only value that returns True is exactly 18 (no decimals). The irony is that writing a simple isinstance(x, int) would be like 1000x more compact than this monstrosity. This is what happens when you code at 3am after your fifth energy drink! The "It Won't Get Any More Compact" title is just *chef's kiss* sarcastic perfection!

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