ADHD And Coding: The Ultimate Dopamine Switcheroo

ADHD And Coding: The Ultimate Dopamine Switcheroo
adhd-memes, python-memes, data-science-memes, learning-memes, procrastination-memes |

The ultimate ADHD trap - an ad promising to replace one dopamine addiction with... *checks notes*... 17 different programming courses that you'll totally finish this time! ๐Ÿ™ƒ

Nothing says "I've conquered my scrolling habit" like starting 36 lessons on Data Analytics that you'll abandon after the first coding high wears off. The irony of using a structured curriculum to fix your executive dysfunction is just *chef's kiss*.

Pro tip: You can tell this was made by someone with ADHD because they somehow thought learning Python, R, SQL, NumPy, and pandas simultaneously was a reasonable plan. The only thing missing is "Introduction to Finishing What You Started" - 0 lessons, โˆž hours.