Content 18 C PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE winter initialization 102, 138 pointer, null 102, 198 Pointer to function 118, 147, 201 13, 127. 20 pointer to structure, 136 punter, voiday 97, 393102, 08. punter is, array iversion 09 - 18, 130 pointer integer conversion, 198-199, 205 pointers and subscrigts 97, 99, 217 winters, array of 107 winters, operations permitted on 103 Polish notation 74 sop function 77 ortability 3, 37, 43, 49, 147, 151, 153, 185 osition of braces 10 ostfix and - - 46, 105 ow library function 24, 251 ower function 25, 27 pragma 233 recedence of operators 17, 52, 95, 131-132, 200 efix and - - 46, 106 eprocessor, macro 88, 228-233 eprocessor name, -FILE- 254 processor name, procesor names, predefined 254 233 processor operator, 90, 230 processor operator, 90, 230 processor operator, defined 91, 232 mary expression 200 intd function 87 intf conversions, table of 154, 244 intf examples, table of 13, 154 Intf library function 7, 11, 18, 153, 244 ting character 249 gram arguments see command-line arguments gram, calculator 72, 74, 76, 158 gram, cat 160, 162-163 gram, character count 18 gram, del 125 gram, echo 115-116 gram, file concatenation 160 ram, file copy 16-17, 171, 173 ram format 10, 19, 23, 40, 138, 191 ram, fsize 181 ram, keyword count 133 ram, line count 19 ram, list directory 179 ram, longest-line 29, 32 ram, lower case conversion 153 ram natta 117 INDEX 269 ptrdifft type name 103, 147, 206 push function 77 pushback, input 78 put library function 161, 247 put macro 176 putchar library function 15, 152, 161, 247 puts library function 164, 247 qsort function 87, 110, 120 qsort library function 253 quote character, 19, 37-38, 193 quote character, " 8, 20, 38, 194 r carriage return character 38, 193 raise library function 255 rand function 46 rand library function 252 RAND MAX 252 read system call 170 readdir function 184 readlines function 109 realloc library function 252 (recursion 86, 139, 141, 182, 202, 269 recursive-descent parser 123 redirection see inputoutput redirection register, address of 210 register storage class specifier 83, 210 relational expression, numeric value of 42, 44 relational operators 16, 41, 206 removal of definition see undef remove library function 242 rename library function 242 reservation of storage 210 reserved words 36, 192 return from main 26, 164 return statement 25, 30, 70, 73, 225 return, type conversion by 73, 225 reverse function 62 reverse Polish notation 74 rewind library function 248 Richards, M. 1 right shift operator, 49, 206 Ritchie, D. M. xi sbrk system call 187 scaling in pointer arithmetic 103, 198 scan assignment suppression 157, 245 sinne table of 158, 246