Efficiency Memes

Posts tagged with Efficiency

Use Lib, Not Sweat

Use Lib, Not Sweat
Why spend hours implementing a Least Recently Used cache algorithm when someone else already did the hard work? Modern problems require modern solutions - specifically, the import statement. The face says it all: "You want me to reinvent the wheel? In this economy?" Nothing captures the essence of professional development quite like knowing when to code and when to leverage existing libraries. Work smarter, not harder... unless it's an interview, then pretend you'd totally write it from scratch at work.

Is The Cure To Slow Bad Code Using Faster Hardware?

Is The Cure To Slow Bad Code Using Faster Hardware?
OMG, the AUDACITY of some developers! 💀 Instead of fixing their horrifically inefficient spaghetti code, they just throw more RAM and faster CPUs at the problem like that's going to save their algorithmic sins! Honey, your O(n²) monstrosity isn't going to magically become O(log n) just because you bought a shiny new processor. It's like putting a Ferrari engine in a shopping cart and expecting it to win Formula 1. The hardware might be faster, but your code is still a dumpster fire wrapped in a tragedy!

Elon Sort

Elon Sort
The revolutionary "Elon Sort" algorithm - where chaos is a feature, not a bug! First, fire half your array elements without warning. Then rehire them when you realize you need them after all. Repeat these steps a completely arbitrary number of times, then proudly announce your array is sorted without bothering to verify. It's the perfect algorithm if your goal is maximum drama with minimum functionality. Efficiency: O(wtf).

Worth It

Worth It
The galaxy brain moment when you convince yourself that spending 48 hours automating a task that takes 20 minutes is somehow "efficient." But let's be real—we're not doing it to save time. We're doing it because manually repeating the same task feels like psychological torture, and writing that script gives us the same dopamine hit as solving a puzzle. Sure, we'll never recoup those hours, but our fragile programmer ego can't handle the thought of doing something "the easy way." It's not laziness, it's... "future-proofing."


Ah, the eternal struggle of a C++ developer forced to run Python code! While C++ executes at lightning speed (because it's compiled directly to machine code), Python's interpreted nature means you could literally decompose waiting for that data processing script to finish. The skeleton represents the C++ dev who started the Python script, went for coffee, came back, had lunch, and still found themselves staring at the terminal waiting for completion. The irony is exquisite - the language known for memory management efficiency reduced to watching another language inefficiently chug along. Some say the skeleton is still waiting to this day...

Trust Me Bro A Script Will Be Faster

Trust Me Bro A Script Will Be Faster
Ah, the classic developer paradox! Spend 5 minutes doing a mundane task? Absolutely not. Spend 30 minutes automating that same task? *finger guns* Sign me up! Every programmer knows that sweet dopamine hit from creating a script that saves you approximately 0.03 seconds per year. It's not about efficiency—it's about the principle of never doing manually what could be automated with 6x the effort. The math never checks out, but we'll defend our automation decisions to the death. Future me will thank present me... probably... maybe... if I remember where I saved the script.

Do It The Programmer Way

Do It The Programmer Way
The programmer's paradox in all its glory! This is the hill we die on - spending 5 hours writing a script to automate a 5-minute task, then celebrating like we've discovered time travel. The best part? We'll probably never need to do that task again, making our automation masterpiece completely useless. But hey, it's not about efficiency—it's about the principle of never doing manually what could be catastrophically over-engineered instead. This is the way.