datetime Memes

We All Hate Them

We All Hate Them
The creator of timezones gets a special place in programmer hell - and rightfully so! Anyone who's ever had to debug a production issue at 3 AM because some function couldn't handle UTC offsets deserves a medal... and therapy. That moment when your perfectly working code suddenly breaks because someone in another country clicked a button? Pure digital torture. The inventor definitely earned that "Extra Hell" VIP pass. Next circle: whoever created daylight savings time.

I Hate Time Zones

I Hate Time Zones
Ah, the universal programmer trauma of dealing with datetime ! The teacher asks what students are struggling with, and the unanimous response is datetime handling. This is basically a support group for developers at this point. Every programmer has had that moment where they're confidently coding until they need to calculate time differences between Tokyo and New York, and suddenly they're questioning their career choices. UTC, ISO-8601, DST changes, leap seconds... it's like trying to solve a Rubik's cube while blindfolded and riding a unicycle. The fact that even seasoned developers break into cold sweats when someone mentions timezone conversion is the industry's dirty little secret.

Code Is Obsolete

codeIsObsolete | code-memes, errors-memes, data-memes, pandas-memes, api-memes, csv-memes, date-memes, datetime-memes, error-memes, pip-memes, pipeline-memes, cs-memes, product-memes |
Content "Our no-code solution lets you easily create data pipelines from a config" The config: BrookLyn Anticapital Habitat Defense Systems "Workflow": "UserTransactionsPipeline", "Instructions": "import pandas as pd", "df pd.readcsv ("USER TRANSACTIONS SNAPSHOT. csv)" "df.dropna(subset'id deprecated 'column9', inplaceTrue)" "df'productcode' df'product . apply (lambda x: x. strip() . lower ())", "df df df ' amount e", "df'occurredat' pd. todatetime (df 'occurredat', errors 'coerce')" "df. tosq1 ('usertransactions", conengine, ifexists'append")"

Format Adate Object Into Yyyy Mm Dd

formatADateObjectIntoYyyyMmDd | javascript-memes, php-memes, java-memes, string-memes, date-memes, datetime-memes, object-memes |
Content C DateTime. ToStringO PHP DateTime:formato JavaScript Date. tolSOStringO splitTiol

Final Solution To Date Time Formatting

finalSolutionToDateTimeFormatting | date-memes, datetime-memes |
Content Americans using mmddvvyv Euroneans using ISO 8601, but sorted alphabeticallv - ddHHMMmmSSSssTXXKywv

Can You Take Alook At This Date Time Bug

canYouTakeALookAtThisDateTimeBug | bug-memes, date-memes, datetime-memes, cs-memes |
Content W EU election War in Ukraine Israel-Hamas w NEWS POLITICS Arctic region of Norway asks EU Commission for 26-hour day Yes, really. PROGRAMMERS Confused screaming

Yes, Autofill. That is *totally* what I meant ๐Ÿ™„

Yes, Autofill. That is *totally* what I meant ๐Ÿ™„ | date-memes, datetime-memes |
Content for x1,10 d DockWidgetPluginGuilnfo DateTime debug delay Autofill No need to thank me.

Date Time Bugs Come For Us All

dateTimeBugsComeForUsAll | java-memes, bugs-memes, test-memes, bug-memes, git-memes, date-memes, http-memes, datetime-memes |
Content 8:19 AM builds seem to be failing https:jenkins due to this test https:githubl lest.lava I believe its failing due to daylight savings ending. The test assumes a day 86400 seconds, but that is not true for yesterday? LOL 3 Proaran

Date, Timestamp, Instant, Calendar, ZonedDateTime, LocalDateTime, ...

Date, Timestamp, Instant, Calendar, ZonedDateTime, LocalDateTime, ... | loc-memes, date-memes, datetime-memes, ide-memes |

What the function doin? (what the dog doin?)

What the function doin? (what the dog doin?) | eslint-memes, node-memes, data-memes, function-memes, date-memes, datetime-memes, npm-memes |
Content estint-disable-next-line async updateLastLoginToCurrentDateTime (userId: number): const data lastLogin: Date. now (), ; return this.updateAttributes (userId, data); function; e vice updateLastLoginToCurrentDateTire uth-service whats this? onsnodev18.7.0binpm instal unding e 0

Good job Microsoft

Good job Microsoft | string-memes, windows-memes, date-memes, datetime-memes, microsoft-memes, console-memes |
Content 1 if (DateTime. Now. ToString() "91012022 00:00:00') 2 3 4 7 5 else 6 7 8 Console.WriteLine("Happy New Year"); Console.WriteLine("It's still 2021..."); Windows 11

You can't create a meme with IDEs, they said

You can't create a meme with IDEs, they said | program-memes, test-memes, api-memes, class-memes, date-memes, datetime-memes, microsoft-memes, ide-memes, cs-memes, space-memes, startup-memes, public-memes, dependency-memes |
Content D TestLoadAPI - Program.cs Program.cs D TestLoadAPI 4 TestLoadAPI.Progi Fusing Microsott.AsoNetcore: using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hostil DA TestLoadAPI - WeatherForec. WeatherForecast.cs TestLoadAp 77 public static void Main(Scranerr O references public cloce HosthenConora O references 0 exceptio Dubilic DatoT;mo Data No issues found M TestLoadAPI - Startup.cs Startup.cs a TestLoadAPiv TestLoadAPIv: - Startup(IConfi - Busing Microsoft.AspNetCore.Builder: USIng MICrOsOtt.ASONet using Microsoft.Extensic D TestLoadAPI - Program.cs using Microsoft.Extensic using Microsoft.Extensic Proaram.cs TestLoadAPIv: 4 TestLoadAPIv: - Eusing Microsoft AspNetCore. Hosting; No issues found lestloadAP - Startun.cs n references Startup.cs X al TestLoadAPI hi TestloadAp Star glucino Macrosoft AscotCone Ruildon' using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting: using Microsoft Extensions.Configuration: Lif new 2 - Notepad File Edit Search View Encoding 5 El new 1 g El new 2 BI No issues found services Addy ( AddisonOrtions to services.AddScovedIRandomV alue. Ln: 27 Col: 1 Sel: 01 Windows (CR LF) LITE.o IN