There's a JS library for the point in your coding session where you stop caring about compiler errors.

There's a JS library for the point in your coding session where you stop caring about compiler errors. | coding-memes, javascript-memes, code-memes, tech-memes, technology-memes, java-memes, catch-memes, errors-memes, jquery-memes, session-memes, error-memes, js-memes, compiler-memes, IT-memes, query-memes |
coding-memes, javascript-memes, code-memes, tech-memes, technology-memes, java-memes, catch-memes, errors-memes, jquery-memes, session-memes, error-memes, js-memes, compiler-memes, IT-memes, query-memes |


FuckltJS Javascript Error Steamroller FuckitJS uses state-of-the-art technology to make sure your javascript code runs whether your compiler likes it or not. Technology Through a process known as Eval-Rinse-Reload-And-Repeat, FuckltJS repeatedly compiles your code, detecting errors and slicing those lines out of the script. To survive such a violent process, FuckltJS reloads itself after each iteration, allowing the onerror handler to catch every single error in your terribly written code. Installation 1. Include Query, because everything requires Query 2. Include "" 3. The End