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JS devs vs Zoologists

JS devs vs Zoologists | code-memes, coder-memes, try-memes, react-memes, devs-memes, release-memes, js-memes, framework-memes |
code-memes, coder-memes, try-memes, react-memes, devs-memes, release-memes, js-memes, framework-memes |


Kat Maddox ctrishifti 5h imagine if zoologists reacted to new animal discoveries the same way that coders do whenever a new js framework is released. "another fucking frog? again?" 14 17, 149 952 Kat Maddox ctrishifti 5h angrily reading the entry for the new frog what was wrong with all the old ones? 0 6 17 17 413 1