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front end designers at youtube plz bring the old video quality selector back

front end designers at youtube plz bring the old video quality selector back | design-memes, designer-memes, front end-memes, data-memes, ide-memes, comment-memes, youtube-memes |
design-memes, designer-memes, front end-memes, data-memes, ide-memes, comment-memes, youtube-memes |


Pornhub has better interface and more options than Youtube has now ADS BY TRAFFIC JUNKY Quality for current video 144p Quality X 720p HD 480p 240p Auto PORNHUB Game of Bones: Winter is Cumming XXX – Adult Commentary 151.144 Views 16 65 2 years ago 260 135 339 Add to Report Share Auto (recommended Adjusts to give you the best experience for your conditions Higher picture quality Uses more data YOUTUBE Data saver Lower picture quality Advanced Select a specific resolution This selection onlv applies to the current video. For all videos, go to Settings Video Quality Preferences