copy pasting

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programming-memes, web-memes, website-memes, program-memes, react-memes, angular-memes, string-memes, function-memes, vuejs-memes, IT-memes, vue-memes, npm-memes, ide-memes, webpack-memes |


Is programming all about copy-pasting these days? Vladislav Zorov, programming enthusiast. Answered 19h ago No, man, it's about pulling in 200MB of NPM packages for a function that pads a string to the left. And another 200MB for a function that pads it to the right. Then adding React, Angular and VueJS, because you couldn't decide which one to use, running that crap through WebPack, and deploying some sty website that needs more RAM than a triple-A game. 3.6k Views View Upvoters View Sharers . Upvote 214 Share 0

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