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performanceGPT | catch-memes, test-memes, function-memes, performance-memes, error-memes, search-memes |
catch-memes, test-memes, function-memes, performance-memes, error-memes, search-memes |


As of my last knowledge update in September 2021, the Web Bluetooth API does not provide a built-in mechanism to automatically retrieve a list of all available services on a Bluetooth device. You typically need to know the UUIDs of the services you want to access in advance. However, if you’re in a testing or debugging scenario and you want to discover all available services on a Bluetooth device, you can do so manually by iterating through all possible UUIDs. This is not a recommended approach for production use, but it can be useful for testing and exploration. Here’s a JavaScript example of how you can iterate through a range of possible UUIDs to discover services on a Bluetooth device: javascript Copy code async function discoverAlIServices (device) ( const discoveredServices J; Generate a range of UUIDs to test (e.g., 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000 for (let i 0; i OxFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF; i) const wuid i.toString(16) .padStart (32, ‘O’); try const service await device.gatt.getPrimaryService (uuid); discoveredServices.push (service); catch (error) I Service not found with this UUID, continue searching return discoveredServices; C Regenerate