

leastDepressedRockstarDevs | aws-memes, array-memes, try-memes, devs-memes, list-memes, function-memes, class-memes, date-memes, object-memes, warning-memes, microsoft-memes, IT-memes, mac-memes, stream-memes, language-memes |
aws-memes, array-memes, try-memes, devs-memes, list-memes, function-memes, class-memes, date-memes, object-memes, warning-memes, microsoft-memes, IT-memes, mac-memes, stream-memes, language-memes |

[text] else ifriid uuidofIDXGIFactory We dont want to delete our actual export cam because i i We may have some proeprties from the exporter set o it 7 yes T know PRECISELY how fucked up this is. Speak to microsoft after KE2670838 the internal D3D11 M S 1 device creation function will pass in uuidof IDXGIFactory then attempt to call EnumDevicesl which 3 o 7 is in the IDXGIFactoryl vtable. Doing this should be safe as using a IDXGIFactoryl like a IDXGIFact R should all just work by definition but theres no way to know now if someone trying to create a IDXGI 1ExportCamDeletelist.appendiExpCamItem L IDXGIFactory1 real IDXGIFactoryl ppvobject T T Y Y e ppvObject new WrappedIDXGIFactorylreal T return true for obj in objects do 3 if Classof obj Targetcamera do shitass hack . N . T e CrT e o CipE extern void DrawSolidCappedCylinder appendifunique camshit obj candidates atarray ragesiatarray 1 s . if Classof obj Targetobject do o e e Just fucking kill me. R B LI OR N Format Deleting Target0l…n il extern void DrawSpiralVec3VIn star appendifunique camshit obj LR REH R ot o o T queue. appenditem PR dima ety oy B while lenqueve 03 If we have no more open requests we can reenable HD vehicles. Bt Y This is illing voodoo and sucks. Im open for suggestions for a better approach. 7 if strStreamingEngineGetInfo.GetNumberObjectsRequested 7 1 WARNING START CVehicle SetDisableHDVehiclesfalse THE FoLLoW copE Is opTrmizeo ponT l wrtH 1T b Languages 3 Note For some d reason adding this removes borders from buttons. This system is mental linsertmacro MUILANGUAGE English