Bash Script: The Confidence Killer

Bash Script: The Confidence Killer
bash-memes, scripting-memes, programming-memes, vim-memes, javascript-memes |

Behold the NIGHTMARE that is trying to write Bash scripts! 😱

The top panel shows those fancy modern frameworks (VS Code, React, Node.js) smugly telling you to "just be confident" when approaching coding. Meanwhile, the bottom panel reveals the HORRIFYING TRUTH of what happens when you dare venture into Bash scripting territory - you transform into a deranged possum-creature questioning your entire existence!

No amount of "confidence" can prepare you for the soul-crushing experience of debugging a Bash script where a single missing space or semicolon turns your beautiful code into an eldritch horror. The Vim logo lurking in the corner is just *chef's kiss* perfection - as if to say "welcome to your doom!"

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