Scripting Memes

Posts tagged with Scripting

How Do You Do, Fellow PowerShell Programmers

How Do You Do, Fellow PowerShell Programmers
When you've copy-pasted enough Stack Overflow solutions to make PowerShell bend to your will, but have absolutely no idea what any of those $_ variables or pipe operators actually do. You're just one Get-Help command away from being exposed as a complete fraud, but hey, as long as the script runs without crashing the production server, you're technically a "PowerShell programmer"... right? Right?!

Worth It

Worth It
The galaxy brain moment when you convince yourself that spending 48 hours automating a task that takes 20 minutes is somehow "efficient." But let's be real—we're not doing it to save time. We're doing it because manually repeating the same task feels like psychological torture, and writing that script gives us the same dopamine hit as solving a puzzle. Sure, we'll never recoup those hours, but our fragile programmer ego can't handle the thought of doing something "the easy way." It's not laziness, it's... "future-proofing."

Trust Me Bro A Script Will Be Faster

Trust Me Bro A Script Will Be Faster
Ah, the classic developer paradox! Spend 5 minutes doing a mundane task? Absolutely not. Spend 30 minutes automating that same task? *finger guns* Sign me up! Every programmer knows that sweet dopamine hit from creating a script that saves you approximately 0.03 seconds per year. It's not about efficiency—it's about the principle of never doing manually what could be automated with 6x the effort. The math never checks out, but we'll defend our automation decisions to the death. Future me will thank present me... probably... maybe... if I remember where I saved the script.