My eyes hurt just looking at this

My eyes hurt just looking at this | code-memes, stack-memes, data-memes, function-memes, error-memes, c-memes, syntax error-memes |
code-memes, stack-memes, data-memes, function-memes, error-memes, c-memes, syntax error-memes |


Instructions Sections 01. Technical 00. 30 utteristed Submit Candidate the casan 0. Stacks 19. What is the output of the following code? for I in range(10); for J in range(2, 10, 1): continue variet1 else: vartE1 print(var) Ops: A D(5. 10) B. G15 C. Odo' si D. O Syntax Error Q 20. If we use the mean as a model, what does the variance represent? Ops: A. O The average error between the model and the observed data B. The total error between the model and the observed data. C. The square-rooted average error between the model and the observed data. D. The squared total error between the model and the observed data: 0 21. Which one is the most desirable ou

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