Bad Week Vs Facebook Support

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developer-memes, code-memes, stack-memes, stack overflow-memes, google-memes, try-memes, data-memes, ios-memes, string-memes, facebook-memes, email-memes, network-memes, overflow-memes, IT-memes, ide-memes, private-memes |


THIS DEVELOPER HAD A BAD WEEK Tried Everything: AdMob FB Audience Network iOS Integration 22 views Bobby Bob to Google Mobile Ads SDK Developers Sep 21, 2023, 2:15:07 PM (yesterday) I have tried posting to Stack Overflow, paid two people from Fiver, cold emailed eight strangers, and posted elsewhere online, and am still stuck... what is a bid payload? We are trying to integrate Facebook Audience Network (FAN) ads into an iOS app, using Google AdMob as the mediation partner. Unfortunately, the FB sample code they've provided shows how to integrate the deprecated Waterfall method, when FB now only supports Bidding. This is the code that is used to load a Bidding FAN ad in iOS: private func loadFacebookAd () adView? .removeFromSuperview ( ) let ad FBNativeAd(placementID: "PLACEMENT ID") ad.delegate self TODO: - Initiate a request to load an ad. Where does it come from? ad. loadAd(withBidPayload: String) ChatGPT claims that the BidPayload can be fetched upon loading a Google ad, in the callback: func adLoader( adLoader: GADAdLoader, didReceive nativeAd: GADNativeAd) ( but I am not seeing any property with a name resembling BidPayload in the Google Ad response data. Where on earth does this BidPayload string come from?! !!! HELP! HELP HELP MEEEEEE!!!!! I

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