uCodefinityCom Gesponsert Sign up for the challenge LEARN PYTHON FROM SCRATCH 4-WEEK CHALLENGE python 3 soL El pandas N NumPy Introduction to Python 64 lessons Data Types in Python 34 lessons Python Data Structures 31 lessons R for Beginners 45 lessons Introduction to SQL 41 lessons Intermediate SQL 21 lessons Relational Database and Normalization 12 lessons NumPy in a Nutshell 25 lessons Pandas First Steps 34 lessons Web Scraping with Python 23 lessons Visualization in Python with matplotlib 34 lessons First Dive into seaborn Visualization 14 lessons Conditional Statements in Python 15 lessons Python Loops Tutorial 22 lessons Probability Theory Basics 26 lessons 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70