Be careful, hackers are out there decoding HTML to steal SSNs!

Be careful, hackers are out there decoding HTML to steal SSNs! | coding-memes, html-memes, code-memes, web-memes, hacker-memes, program-memes, git-memes, date-memes, rds-memes, ML-memes, div-memes, source code-memes, public-memes |
coding-memes, html-memes, code-memes, web-memes, hacker-memes, program-memes, git-memes, date-memes, rds-memes, ML-memes, div-memes, source code-memes, public-memes |


4:08 O Tweet Governor Mike Parson GovPars... .2h Through a multi-step process, an individual took the records of at least three educators, decoded the HTML source code, and viewed the SSN of those specific educators. We notified the Cole Count prosecutor and the Highway Patrol's Digital Forensic Unit will investigate. 1.008 17. 1.291 M 87 Governor Mike Parson GovPars.... 2h Upon receiving this notice, DESE immediately contacted the Missouri Office of Administration ITSD, who programs and maintains the web application, to remove public access to the portal and update the code. 34 17 11 M 16 1 Governor Mike Parson GovPars.... 2h This matter is serious. The state is committing Tweet vour replv

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