The invention of Ethereum

The invention of Ethereum | loc-memes, lock-memes, class-memes, blockchain-memes, crypto-memes, bitcoin-memes, ethereum-memes, IT-memes, ide-memes, twitter-memes, cs-memes |
loc-memes, lock-memes, class-memes, blockchain-memes, crypto-memes, bitcoin-memes, ethereum-memes, IT-memes, ide-memes, twitter-memes, cs-memes |


Mia Mulder Potatopolitics 2d Bethesda making horse armor directly led to cryptocurrency and NFTs: A video essay 196 17 4,074 46.4K peppermint chocolate zorua ..: 1d : Replying to Potatopolitics no joke, blizzard nerfed a WOW class and made a guy so mad he decided to invent blockchain so that nobod could forcibly edit a file and ruin it for him again 6 17 50 1,150 00 thermalgadget thermalgadget Replying to mewlett and Potatopolitics Vitalik Buterin didn't invent the modern blockchain. Satoshi Nakamoto did with Bitcoin. But yes, Blizzard nerfed Soul Siphon for warlocks and he cried himself to sleep that night (literally) and that started the domino effect of him creating Ethereum 920. 17 Dec 21 . Twitter Weh Ann