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My compiler class’s assignment: TrumpScript++

My compiler class's assignment: TrumpScript++ | class-memes, parsing-memes, internet-memes, compiler-memes, language-memes, feature-memes |
class-memes, parsing-memes, internet-memes, compiler-memes, language-memes, feature-memes |


CS 4323 PROGRAMMING ASSIGNMENT 1 (SCANNER Due: March 6, 2018 This project builds the first component of a compiler, the lexical analyzer (or scanner), for TrumpScript language. The Internet explanation of the syntax of TrumpScript was incomplete, so I mixed it with other typical language features (thus the name TrumpScriptt ) and constructed context-free rules defining this modified (and simplified) TrumpScript. These rules will be further transformed later, if necessary, into the form with which LI(1) parsing can be done. A few funny features of this language include; . Every program must start with the message "Make programming great again" and end with "America is great". There is no import statement, America doesn’t need it. There is no floating-point number, all numbers are integers greater than a million. There is no input statement, Trump doesn’t need it Boolean values are denoted by fact and lie, meaning true and false, respectively. The language is case-insensitive. Error messages are maximally rude to programmers.