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Let’s restart your heart

Let's restart your heart | code-memes, computer-memes, try-memes, debugging-memes, bug-memes, algorithm-memes, rest-memes, jenkins-memes, debug-memes, fix-memes, algorithms-memes, IT-memes, edge-memes |
code-memes, computer-memes, try-memes, debugging-memes, bug-memes, algorithm-memes, rest-memes, jenkins-memes, debug-memes, fix-memes, algorithms-memes, IT-memes, edge-memes |


jenkinsnotleeroy 14h Interestingly, I’ve found that computer people, especially those that can write code are usually pretty good at most things due to a solid understanding of processes (algorithms) and debugging. It kind of scares me when I go to the doctor or a mechanic for my car and it quickly becomes apparent that though they are knowledgeable about their field their debuggingdiagnostic skills are not great. "Well, everything seems to be ok. We don’t know why you fainted. You should be glad!" "Yes, I’m glad you found me to be in good health, but this also means you didn’t find the bug in my biological system, so it’s still there and not fixed." Reply 4 126 Aenir Oh God How Did This Get Here? 11h "Well I’m not sure what’s wrong; let’s try stopping your heart and turning it back on again and see if that fixes it. Reply 4 88