

hax0r | coding-memes, hacker-memes, hacking-memes, random-memes, data-memes, ide-memes |
coding-memes, hacker-memes, hacking-memes, random-memes, data-memes, ide-memes |

[text] Hacking scene in a movie Starterpack hacker easily breaking random coding main actor chilling into hotel room somewhere and has no clue v iy Imin bUt LoAdInG NoT CoMpLeTeD . . spacy looking loading bar main actor decides to go to his room copying data on USBStick net CoMpLetEd main actor gets interupted by randomgcwcumstace tYPiNg IntEnSiFiEs s main actor enters room. UNPIUGGING UsBStick Everything is normal. Hacker got awa A nobody kows hoyw Maggms FiNaLLy reAcHinG 100