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Don’t know if I should laugh or cry

Don't know if I should laugh or cry | programming-memes, management-memes, program-memes, bugs-memes, bug-memes, IT-memes, ide-memes, feature-memes, manager-memes, product-memes, product manager-memes |
programming-memes, management-memes, program-memes, bugs-memes, bug-memes, IT-memes, ide-memes, feature-memes, manager-memes, product-memes, product manager-memes |


Was sitting in a video conference with RD, Product Management, Sales, etc, and on one point, RD said the new feature is not ready to roll out due to a few bugs on which the Product Manager replayed "then deleted them! We need to roll it out!" This was literally the face of anyone understanding anything about programming