product manager Memes

Ready For Deployment (Until It Touches Production)

Ready For Deployment (Until It Touches Production)
The eternal dance of deployment bravado! Two hands gripping a sword with "YES!" emblazoned on the blade when the product manager asks if we're ready for deployment. But look closer at the second panel - those same hands are whispering the truth: "YES! But it'll Definitely Crash." It's that special confidence only developers have - absolute certainty that something will work perfectly until the moment it touches production. Sure, it passed all three test cases we bothered to write! What could possibly go wrong? Just another Friday deploy before a weekend of emergency hotfixes. Ship it!

Monday Dreams Vs. PM Reality

Monday Dreams Vs. PM Reality
The eternal cycle of software development: you start Monday with grand ambitions to rebuild your codebase into a masterpiece, only for your PM to immediately shoot it down because refactoring doesn't add visible features. Meanwhile, your code sits there like that beaver with the crazy eyes, silently judging your optimism while it continues to be a tangled mess of technical debt. The audacity of thinking you'd get to improve things instead of bolting on yet another quick fix!

Product Managers Who Build Dating Apps

productManagersWhoBuildDatingApps | ide-memes, manager-memes, product-memes, product manager-memes |
Content Product ManagersWho build dating apps 1 guide others to a treasure that I cannot possess

Need More Managers

needMoreManagers | developer-memes, manager-memes, product-memes, product manager-memes |
Content Product manager Project manager Corporate needs you to find the differences between this picture and this picture Developer They're the same picture.

You can give them mine.

You can give them mine. | developer-memes, computer-memes, IT-memes, manager-memes, product-memes, product manager-memes, interview-memes |
Content Developer: It works on my computer Product Manager. Yes, but we are NOT going to give your computer to the customer Product Interview

Programmers who will code themselves out of a job sounds soo juvenile.

Programmers who will code themselves out of a job sounds soo juvenile. | programmer-memes, developer-memes, software-memes, code-memes, engineer-memes, software engineer-memes, marketing-memes, program-memes, idea-memes, ide-memes, manager-memes, product-memes, product manager-memes |
Content DeSADESBY Kelly Kochanski, Phillip Remaker and Alec Cawley upvoted 2h Carey Aydelotte Follow humanish Sun Will software engineers ever stop being in demand? There are two schools of thought. Those with a background in business see developers as commodities and fully believe that programmers will program themselves out of a job field. The idea is that in some distant future, jobs like project manager, product manager, and marketing manager will still be critical but programmers themselves will be extinct as a result of the tools they created. X The other school of thought is hard to understand because the programmers are laughing so hard they can't talk. 13.4K views View 964 upvotes View 4 shares EDDEDERSE You, Phillip Remaker, Michael Jergensen and 7 more upvoted this 1 964 7 94 0 34 000

Another Requirement Change When Im About To Finish Dev

anotherRequirementChangeWhenImAboutToFinishDev | manager-memes, product-memes, product manager-memes |
Content When the product manager comes to your desk and starts small talk 1 think we all know where this is going

Job Application Process True Story

jobApplicationProcessTrueStory | software-memes, engineer-memes, software engineer-memes, security-memes, manager-memes, product-memes, product manager-memes, interview-memes |
Content Applied for job position "Senior Software Engineer" Got rejected for position "Product Manager Cbersecurity role" Went through five interviews and three exams Got reiected for position "Product Manager Cvbersecuritv role"

It Works On My Computer

itWorksOnMyComputer | developer-memes, computer-memes, IT-memes, manager-memes, product-memes, product manager-memes |
Content Developer: It works on my computer Product Manager: Yes, but we are not going to give your computer to the customer

At Least This Requirement Is Clear

atLeastThisRequirementIsClear | developer-memes, engineer-memes, engineering-memes, management-memes, devs-memes, startup-memes, comment-memes, manager-memes, product-memes, product manager-memes |
Content Shravan Tickoo 2nd Product Management BYJU'S I Growth Product Manager I Speaker Mentor I Sto... 6h. G Follow As a Product Manager, when I die I want the developers I have worked with, to lower me into my grave so that they can LET ME DOWN one last time productmanagement startups humour 000 544 Like 96 comment! 7 Send Comment Share Chinmay Joshi 1st Engineering Manager at OYO Devs: "Atleast this requirement is clear" Like 03 Reply MES 11

Sending This To Our Product Manager

sendingThisToOurProductManager | developer-memes, engineer-memes, engineering-memes, management-memes, devs-memes, startup-memes, comment-memes, manager-memes, product-memes, product manager-memes |
Content Shravan Tickoo 2nd Product Management BYJU'S I Growth Product Manager I Speaker Mentor Sto... 6h. Follow As a Product Manager, when I die I want the developers I have worked with, to lower me into my grave so that they can LET ME DOWN one last time productmanagement startups humour 000 544 Like 96 comments 7 Send e Comment Share Chinmay Joshi 1st Engineering Manager at OYO Devs: "Atleast this requirement is clear" Like 03 I Reply 11

It Works On My Machine Actual

ItWorksOnMyMachineActual | developer-memes, computer-memes, machine-memes, IT-memes, mac-memes, manager-memes, product-memes, product manager-memes |
Content Developer: It works on my computer Product Manager: Developer: Yes, but we are not going So get some details and to give your computer to reproducible steps instead the customer of "it doesnt work"