Overtime Memes

Posts tagged with Overtime

The Fundamental Problem With This Industry

The Fundamental Problem With This Industry
Oh man, the eternal struggle! ๐Ÿ˜‚ This meme perfectly captures the absurd expectations in tech. Companies be like "What? You just want to work normal hours and not sacrifice your entire existence to the code gods? WORTHLESS!" Meanwhile, devs are just trying to maintain some semblance of work-life balance without burning out. The audacity of wanting to be a human being with a life outside of Jira tickets! Next thing you know, they'll expect crazy things like "weekends" and "sleep"!

Your Average Manager Halloween Costume

Your Average Manager Halloween Costume
Ooooh, the scariest costume of them all! ๐Ÿ‘ป This IT Manager package comes with everything you need to haunt your dev team's nightmares! Just slip it on and watch your coworkers run screaming from the "free pizza" that mysteriously only appears when you need them to stay until midnight. The empty promises accessory pairs perfectly with the "we're like a family here" speech you'll give right before canceling everyone's PTO requests. Truly terrifying how accurate this is... I'm having flashbacks to my last job where my manager's idea of career development was hiring his golf buddy instead of promoting anyone internal. The costume even includes the special ability to develop selective hearing loss whenever a developer mentions "technical debt" or "burnout"! ๐ŸŽƒ

I Just Need A Break

I Just Need A Break
Ah, the classic developer martyrdom complex. Left side: exhausted programmer begging the universe to stop giving them impossible tasks. Right side: Jesus basically saying "just submit your timesheet and stop the dramatics." Because nothing's more sacred in development than proper time tracking, apparently. The real miracle would be a project without scope creep.