gitlab Memes

Your Request Has Been Feline'd

Your Request Has Been Feline'd
SWEET MERCIFUL CODE GODS! The most powerful entity in software development isn't your tech lead—it's that desperate little feline begging for your approval! While you're drowning in 47 Jira tickets, this adorable catastrophe is just waiting for someone, ANYONE, to merge their changes into the sacred main branch. The sheer DRAMA of waiting for code review approval has literally transformed this developer into a pleading kitten. And honestly? Same. Nothing says "I've lost all dignity" quite like peeking over a chair asking for your pull request to be approved after you've spent three days refactoring that nightmare function everyone was too scared to touch! 🙀

Gitlab Users Laughing Rn

Gitlab Users Laughing Rn
The meme shows the classic "Disaster Girl" format with GitHub labeled as the burning house while "LITERALLY EVERY SWE COMPANY" watches it burn. This is a savage reference to GitHub's recent outages and issues that have left software engineering teams unable to access their code repositories. Meanwhile, GitLab users are sitting back with smug satisfaction since their platform wasn't affected. It's basically the digital equivalent of watching your competitor's servers melt down while yours keep humming along perfectly. The schadenfreude is strong with this one!

Class Of Programmers

classOfProgrammers | programmer-memes, coding-memes, developer-memes, javascript-memes, code-memes, java-memes, python-memes, linux-memes, engineer-memes, ux-memes, javascript dev-memes, stack-memes, stack overflow-memes, program-memes, try-memes, loc-memes, lock-memes, git-memes, gitlab-memes, data-memes, security-memes, devs-memes,, .net-memes, class-memes, date-memes, error-memes, release-memes, linkedin-memes, minecraft-memes, overflow-memes, sass-memes, ide-memes, div-memes, data science-memes, language-memes, devops-memes, cs-memes, startup-memes, kernel-memes |
Content Left Terror Cell Asset Has a PhD Actively targets CS maiors. CCP Cybersecurity Engineer Linux Kernel Engineer Unemployed Graduate Has a decendA can' write a resu Applied to 200 obs Minecraft Modder Williterally only brosram for Open-Source Developer Started coding dicer they waccie the hate has 10 in the Masters Student All heir rends are emploved Regrets pursuing higher educatio Independent Game Developer has n attormer rames for 34.3g on Steam, sells Authoritarian VR Chat Dev Investment Firm Hasn'been ourside since March 2020 Developer One of 3 devs in the whole company Made 65k Legacy Codebase Programmer Maintains a Government Contractor Makes below-average salar The CS Professor confecenters divan sos Devops Hasn't sleottor 2 hou On call 247 FANG Engineer Has solved every cetcode program Asp.Net Dev Only knows Cs and SOL. Laid Off Engineer Spent 10 years in the same job. doy a new gra promo update All-Women Startup Carbon Developer 1.7M followers on Linkedin, Language released 2 weeks ago, culture in "Disrupting' Will fervently defend Carbon on al 13K points on Stack Overflow Knows deep down abandoned by Goo AAA Game Dev JavaScript Dev Never wont to college craned Worked go hours his Tries to interset with damere on Knows Data Science Engineer Dion cover Eastern European Developer Makes S15kyear Milacceptany Gitlab ticket Empornium Admin Expert in peer-to-peer data transfer Weheite lil haen't changed since GENAS Libertarian Lockheed Martin Rocket Telemetry Engineer Has to pass a drug The Fed ber of extremis Discor Ex-military Engineer on HR-mandated Paid Leave sexua harassment Will get fired In aweeks Electrical Engineer Took one procramming class in colles NSA cybersecurity asset Has access to state secrets will he assassinated by the sovemment after they've completed their The Saudi Exchange Student Vent to an American niversitu Returned to Saudi Arabia to work for a The Job Hopper Will switch jobs every 12 months, gets a 20' raise every time Contributes bai on 4Chan John McAfee Wanted by federal authorities had a chance to cash out ears Python Developer spends hou Schizophrenic Developer Defense Contractor Contributes to develooment of someone go a Silk Road Admin Wanted by the FB Onlv uses oublic wisrand Tails

Opportunity Of Alifetime

opportunityOfALifetime | coding-memes, developer-memes, code-memes, tech-memes, technology-memes, java-memes, development-memes, web-memes, design-memes, ux-memes, android-memes, maintenance-memes, stack-memes, aws-memes, bugs-memes, bug-memes, react-memes, git-memes, github-memes, gitlab-memes, version-memes, version control-memes, android studio-memes, ios-memes, swift-memes, xcode-memes, firebase-memes, forms-memes, react native-memes, function-memes, performance-memes, api-memes, flutter-memes, rest-memes, date-memes, kotlin-memes, jenkins-memes, debug-memes, fix-memes, IT-memes, rds-memes, edge-memes, cloud-memes, ide-memes, bot-memes, ML-memes, devops-memes, startup-memes, framework-memes, feature-memes, product-memes |
Content About Us: We're a stealth startup on the verge of launching an innovative mobile app on iOS, Android and a web applicationplatform. Our app is built on a modern tech stack, and we're looking for a highly-skilled mobile developer to join as a founding team member. This is an opportunity to be part of something big from the ground up. The Role: As the Founding Mobile Developer, you will take ownership of the entire mobile development process, from architecture and coding to deployment and maintenance. You'll work closely with the founders to shape the product and bring it to market. What You'll Do: Design, develop, and maintain the mobile app on both iOS and Android platforms. Collaborate with cross-functional teams to define, design, and ship new features. Ensure the performance, quality, and responsiveness of applications. Identify and fix bugs, and continuously improve the app's performance. Stay up-to-date with new mobile technology trends, frameworks, and tools. Required Skills: iOS Development: Strong experience with Swift and Xcode. Android Development: Expertise in Java and Android Studio. Knowledge of RESTful APIs and integration of third-party libraries and APIs. Experience with version control (Git, GitHub). Familiarity with mobile UIUX standards and design patterns. Ability to debug and optimize app performance for efficiency. Bonus Skills (Nice to Have): Experience with Kotlin for Android or Obiective-C for iOS. Experience with cross-platform frameworks like React Native or Flutter. Knowledge of cloud services (AWS, Firebase, etc.). Understanding of DevOps and continuous integration tools (Jenkins, GitLab CI). What We're Looking For: A proactive, problem-solving mindset and an entrepreneurial spirit. Strong attention to detail and a passion for building seamless user experiences. Ability to work independently and as part of a small team in a fast-paced startup environment. Willingness to wear multiple hats and tackle various challenges as we scale. Compensation: Equity-Based: Compensation is in the form of equity until we launch and begin generating revenue, after which a salary will be provided

Too Many Issues

tooManyIssues | git-memes, gitlab-memes, IT-memes, open source-memes |
Content a true open source hey little GitLab hows it goin? Project GitLab Pinned Merge requests Issues 2.1k 68.8k yea

Some people will keep saying Jif no matter what 😢

Some people will keep saying Jif no matter what 😢 | git-memes, gitlab-memes |

GitLab is getting kinda aggressive with marketing their new logo

GitLab is getting kinda aggressive with marketing their new logo | marketing-memes, git-memes, gitlab-memes |

Some people are such jifted

Some people are such jifted | git-memes, gitlab-memes |
Content "Only do what your heart tells you." -Princess Diana People who say jif instead of gif Pronounce gitlab as iitlab You got it boss

36 different kinds of programmers

36 different kinds of programmers | programming-memes, programmer-memes, developer-memes, css-memes, javascript-memes, code-memes, computer-memes, tech-memes, technology-memes, java-memes, python-memes, development-memes, linux-memes, web-memes, engineer-memes, website-memes, ux-memes, javascript dev-memes, stack-memes, stack overflow-memes, program-memes, server-memes, try-memes, bugs-memes, c++-memes, bug-memes, loc-memes, discord-memes, lock-memes, command-memes, git-memes, gitlab-memes, data-memes, security-memes, devs-memes, sql-memes,, .net-memes, forms-memes, matlab-memes, class-memes, date-memes, error-memes, release-memes, linkedin-memes, minecraft-memes, overflow-memes, servers-memes, microsoft-memes, reddit-memes, IT-memes, c#-memes, ide-memes, div-memes, data science-memes, twitter-memes, language-memes, wifi-memes, devops-memes, cs-memes, cs degree-memes, startup-memes, logs-memes, kernel-memes, public-memes |
Content Left Terror Cell Asset Has a PhD Activelv targets CS maiors VICTIM OT VIRULERA CCP Cybersecurity Engineer Linux Kernel Engineer Has a git alias Fixes Unemployed Graduate Has a decent GPA. can't write a resur Applied to 200 jobs. Minecraft Modder will literally only program to Open-Source Developer Started coding atter they watche entire or has 10 in thei Masters Student All their triends are emploved Regrets pursuing higher education Independent Game Developer Has 7 platformer games for 4.99 on Steam, sells Lives off Patreo The CS Professor Anov every data structure Authoritarian VR Chat Dev Hasn't been outside since March 2020 Legacy Codebase Programmer Maintains a Only pers are doir Devops Hasn't slept for 72 hours On call 2477 Can't set another iob because a Investment Firm Developer One of 3 devs in the whole company Made 65k Government Contractor Project ended 6 months ago. Browses Redd FAANG Engineer Has solved every Leetcode pr spena It Will code after Asp. Net Dev Only knows C and SQL, Laid Off Engineer Spent 10 years in the same job, replaced by a new graduate any wil not touch a Linkedin profile undati All-Women Startup Carbon Developer "7M rollowers on Linkedin. Languade released 2 weeks ago. alligently posung about toxic male IN STEIV "Disrupting" Will fervently defend Carbon on all 17.3K points on Has an office Knows deep down tech hub like abandoned ov goc anyway AAA Game Dev JavaScript Dev Worked 96 hours this week Never went to college. started Tries to interact with gamers on programming at age 7 Lives off Twitter, gets flamed for characters Knows their game hats outside Data Science Engineer Didn't even majo in GS. has a Eastern European Developer Makes s15kveai W accent anv Giti ab ticket Empornium Admin Expert in peer-to-peer data tra Growing conectior Libertarian Lockheed Martin Rocket Telemetry Engineer Mas to pass a arug everv 3 The Fed hunts child predators on the deep w amber of Z extremist DISCO Ex-militarv went to school on BERTEENGI Engineer On HR-mandated Paid Leave mple evidence of on Microsoft Team will set tired In z weeks Electrical Engineer Took one programming class in colles NSA cybersecurity aSseT Has access to state secrets by the government after thev've The Saudi Exchange Student Went to an American universitv Saudi Arabia to work for a The Job Hopper Will switch jobs every 12 months, gets a 20 raise every time Knows not to talk Contributes bai minimum. on 4Chan John McAfee Wanted by federal authorities Python Developer I never use another languagt Defense Contractor Contributes to development o Spends 5 hours automating 5 minut "Someone will do it anyway' Schizophrenic Developer Developea lempleus Silk Road Admin Wanted hv the FR public Wiri and Tails about then

alright, which one of you did this

alright, which one of you did this | code-memes, coder-memes, git-memes, github-memes, gitlab-memes, ide-memes |
Content 9:47 0 a 5G 1 59 1 Elon Code Review Print Your Code for review by Elon Musk. Most code is reviewed in Github, Gitlab or somewhere online, but that is too efficient. Why not print out your code and submit the printout by fax for review by Elon Musk personally! Get 6 months free Watch video No fuss wav to review

Gru's plan was never gonna work

Gru's plan was never gonna work | development-memes, git-memes, github-memes, gitlab-memes |
Content GitHub is the world's most fast-growing open-source development platform People move to GitLab Acquire GitHub People move to GitLab

GitLab Gang o

GitLab Gang o | git-memes, github-memes, gitlab-memes, open source-memes |