Your Request Has Been Feline'd

Your Request Has Been Feline'd
git-memes, code-review-memes, pull-request-memes, developer-struggles-memes, version-control-memes |

SWEET MERCIFUL CODE GODS! The most powerful entity in software development isn't your tech lead—it's that desperate little feline begging for your approval! While you're drowning in 47 Jira tickets, this adorable catastrophe is just waiting for someone, ANYONE, to merge their changes into the sacred main branch. The sheer DRAMA of waiting for code review approval has literally transformed this developer into a pleading kitten. And honestly? Same. Nothing says "I've lost all dignity" quite like peeking over a chair asking for your pull request to be approved after you've spent three days refactoring that nightmare function everyone was too scared to touch! 🙀

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