Expectations Memes

Posts tagged with Expectations

Who Could Have Thought

Who Could Have Thought
The shocking revelation that code repositories contain... gasp ... actual code! The wide-eyed cat perfectly captures that moment of existential crisis when you finally venture into GitHub after months of copy-pasting from Stack Overflow. What did you expect to find? Documentation? Comments? Reasonable variable names? Foolish mortal. It's just an endless void of cryptic functions written by sleep-deprived developers who left the company three years ago.

Junior Vs Senior Dev: The CSS Reality Check

Junior Vs Senior Dev: The CSS Reality Check
Oh. My. GOD. The AUDACITY of that junior dev thinking they can fix ALL alignment issues in a WEEKEND?! πŸ’… Honey, the senior dev is over here having an existential crisis about changing a FONT STYLE taking THREE WHOLE WEEKS! That's because the senior knows the horrifying truth - every CSS change is connected to seventeen other things that will spontaneously combust if you touch them! That one-line font change? It's actually a portal to dependency hell that will summon bugs from dimensions unknown! Meanwhile, our precious little junior is still living in that beautiful dreamland where CSS actually makes sense. Bless their innocent heart! 😭

Okay Let's Talk

Okay Let's Talk
Oh honey, the AUDACITY of non-programmers approaching developers with their "brilliant" game ideas! πŸ™„ The first panel: "I have a great idea for a game..." *IMMEDIATE REJECTION* Because sweetie, ideas are a dime a dozen and your "revolutionary concept" is probably just Flappy Bird with cats. But the second panel? "...and I've already created the graphics, 3D models, sound effects, music and everything else you'll need." *INSTANT ATTENTION* NOW we're talking! You've actually done the hard part instead of expecting me to manifest your fever dream into reality for exposure and a pizza! The bar is literally on the floor and you somehow managed to step over it!

Technical Interview Vs Actual Job

Technical Interview Vs Actual Job
Ah, the classic bait and switch of tech hiring. You show up to the interview in your fancy suit (Tom from Tom & Jerry), answering questions about red-black trees and time complexity while sweating through your bow tie. Then six months later, you're in the trenches (buff Jerry), sleep-deprived, debugging legacy code written by someone who clearly hated humanity, chugging coffee at 2 AM because production is down and somehow it's your fault. The algorithm questions? Haven't used that knowledge once. But hey, at least you can tell your friends you're a "software engineer" while you're actually just Stack Overflow's most loyal customer.

Confidence vs. Reality: A Developer's Journey

Confidence vs. Reality: A Developer's Journey
The confidence-to-reality pipeline in software development is brutal. One minute you're smugly typing away, convinced you're crafting digital poetry that would make Knuth weep. The next minute your code's running around like a happy little psychopath with zero regard for your intentions or basic logic. That smug "Me writing great code" energy evaporates faster than free pizza at a standup meeting when you see what your creation actually does in production. The worst part? That bug looks so damn pleased with itself.

The Pipeline From Gamer To Game Developer Is Wild

The Pipeline From Gamer To Game Developer Is Wild
Childhood: "I'll make the next World of Warcraft but with better graphics and cooler weapons!" Reality: Spending 6 months debugging collision detection only to have your game downloaded by your mom and that one supportive friend who gives it a 5-star review despite never making it past the loading screen. The gap between gaming fantasy and game dev reality is basically the distance between "I'm having fun" and "I'm questioning every life choice while staring at a semicolon for three hours."