PROPRIETARY OPEN SOURCE 1114 21 SINGLE COMMENT THREAD Share VIEW ALL Orion-Ziggurat 5h Glorious Gentoo And someone else standing off to the side saying they aren't pulling the sled with "proper" ethical standards in mind. h Reply 4 9 alecStewart1 4h Glorious Gentoo And then some other guy saying the project needs a complete rewrite in Rust. 9 TheBrokenRail-Dev 3h And a guy saying that the sled should actuallv be multiple smaller sleds that are connected to each other with duct-tane because "mah Unix philosophy." 5 Orion-Ziggurat 2h Glorious Gentoo Then a Gnome dev comes in and decides the ropes used to pull the sled detract from the experience and removes them to maintain a simpler, opinionated sled setup. 4 6