How Hacking Works

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hacker-memes, hacking-memes, try-memes, test-memes, password-memes, list-memes, rest-memes, class-memes, cli-memes, IT-memes, rds-memes, bot-memes |


File: 71Xz6ei.png (648 KB, 610915) Anonymous (ID: us 1iXD6Q) 060614(Fri)17:30:27 No. 549923098 be me world's greatest hacker 1 on FBI's most wanted list but they can't track me down because i always delete my browser history just got done hacking entire internet now every user in the world gets redirected to epic lulz one of my hackerbros messages me on AIM tells me that 4201337h4x0r 420, my 1 hackerbro, has been arrested they were able to backtrace his IP because he forgot to browse on incognito mode word on the street is he's already ratted me out look out window FBI helicopters circling overhead hah! those bastards don't know who they're dealing with open up internet explorer get redirected to oh yeah, forgot about that run disableblackpeoplemeet.exe now it's time for some world class hacking go to fbi.govhack fuck, there's a password something appears on the bottom right corner of my screen it's that goddamn talking paperclip "it looks like you're trying to hack the FBI. would you like help?" fuck off clippy, i'm trying to work here "it looks like you're trying to hack the FBI. would you-" click the little fucker just to make him shut up clippy gives me the password guess he's not so bad after all now that i'm in, i go to fbi. govhackhelicopters "congratulations, hacker!" you now have full control of the FBI's helicopters! what would you like them to do?" "A) turn left B) turn right C) ascend D) descend E) explode" go with option E BOOM, baby flaming helicopters fall from the sky mfw

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