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Note to self

Note to self | code-memes, try-memes, api-memes, express-memes, overflow-memes, IT-memes, ide-memes, youtube-memes |
code-memes, try-memes, api-memes, express-memes, overflow-memes, IT-memes, ide-memes, youtube-memes |

[text] var router express.Router Our scraping tools var request requirerequest var cheerio requirecheerio Hey bro its me. You. Yeah Im talking to myself. Again. So heres the deal. You spent like a day trying to figure this shit out. Im not sure if you remember but last night while your wife and child slept soundly you were staring at the ceiling silently reviewing code in your head wondering if you could come up with some kind of magical insight just by thinking about things in a relaxed state. It didnt work. Youve tried a lot of shit. Youve copy and pasted. Youve written custom code. Youve watched goddamn YouTube videos about stuff you dont even understand. And then … then you found something that actually works. Do you understand it No. Not really. Do you care The you from like two days ago would have cared. He wanted to understand things he wanted to have a firm grasp on the underlying concepts. But what about Now You Now You has a clear crisp response. Fuck it. Sap Rhttnectackoverflow coma32360R34R3424316