Content It savs here that vou have 18 vears of exerience and have fantastic references, and that you have designed and develobed four rulv reatured broiects that were successfully deployed and generated tens of millions of dollars, you have lead multiple teams, and that you have extensive experience in everything we are looking for - except I don't see React.js here. Have you ever used React? Only for personal projects. It's really just a simple Ul tramework and I am very familiar with it thoug Go fuck yourself! You don't have any professional experience, but it looks like you went to a 3-month coding boot camp. Did they cover React.js? You're hired! Oh veah. I've heard that word before! After that boot camp now I can say I'm an expert in React, C, C, Delphi, Diango, Rust, MongoDB, MS SQL Server, Flask,, Vue.js, Laravel, Angular, Web2Py, FastAPI, Meteor, Bottle, JQuery, Angular, Symfony, Svelte,, ASP.NET, Apache, Sails, spring MVC, Zend, YI, Cake, Moo, Python, Kotlin, R. PHP, Go, Swift, VB, MATLAB, Scheme, Racket, Cloiure, Lisp, COBOL, Alice, AWK, Bash, Clean, Cecil, CoffeeScript, Cybil, Kodu, Ladder, Logtalk, JADE, J, Maude, LINQ, Modula, Octave, Orwell, Nemerie, Zeno, X10, WebASM, Umple, TAL, TCL, Scala, Sed, Strand, SBL, Turing, ROOP, QPL, PROMAL, Orc, Oriel, Nu, NPL, MVstic, Mutan, Mercury, Mesa, MOO, ASM, PostaressOL MySQL, SQLite, InterBase, Advantage, Ingres, Raima, FileMakerPro, Access, H2, Firebird, Windows, Unix, Android, macos, Linux, Centos, Ubuntu, OpenS ProDOS, Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid Donner, Blitzen, and Rudolph. COCKSOFT INC. Cyanide and Happiness