Anonymous 020116(Mon)16:08:45 No.52739535 v 52739611 52740369 52740543 52740702 Q Newbie here. How do I select multiple DOM elements that share a class name in javascript? A, 1000 Votes It's very simple!! 1. Install NodeS 2. Install bower pm install -g bower 3. Install query bower install jquery 4. Import Jquery to your html script src"jquery.js"script 5. To select ALL the elements with the same classname use this : ('.classname') will return array with elements A 500 Votes Jquery. A 300 Votes LOL. Jquery or mootools. R U DUMB? XDDD A -1 Votes Javascript already has an built in function: document. getElementsByClassName ("classname"); This will get you an array with all elements found.