Just Another Day On Stack Overflow

Just Another Day On Stack Overflow
stackoverflow-memes, javascript-memes, jquery-memes, overengineering-memes, webdev-memes | ProgrammerHumor.io

The perfect illustration of Stack Overflow's ecosystem in its natural habitat! A newbie asks how to select DOM elements by class name in JavaScript—a simple question with a built-in solution. But watch what happens:

The top answer (1000 votes): "Just install Node.js, Bower, jQuery, and five other dependencies to use a simple jQuery selector!"

Meanwhile, the correct native JavaScript solution (document.getElementsByClassName()) gets downvoted to oblivion at -1 votes.

This is why your "quick 5-minute fix" turns into a 3-hour dependency nightmare. The JavaScript ecosystem in a nutshell—why use 1 line of vanilla JS when you can install the entire npm registry instead?

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